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Q: What does VDT means in computer?
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What does VDT stand for in computer terminology?

Video Display Tube, an old name for the computer monitor.

What does VDT stand for?

VDT stands for video display terminal or visual display terminal. It is a computer term which is familiarly known to us as the monitor. Its job is to communicate to the user, through texts, pictures, and videos the results of the computing process.

What is the use of VDT?

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What does the acronym VDT stand for?

Video Data Toolkit

What displays the results of processing called?

The result of processing data on a computer can be viewed on a display, monitor, screen, CRT, VDT, LED display, printer or be obtained by voice output.

Is vdt input and output device?

(Video Display Terminal) An input/output device that contains a screen, keyboard and mouse.

What are the differences between CPU and VDU?

The CPU (Central Processing Unit) - is the 'brains' of the computer... the main circuit board. The VDU (Visual Display Unit) - is the monitor or screen that the computer displays information on.

BOOTINg computer means what?

Booting the computer means starting it up or turning it on.

What is the word launcher means on the computer?

computer term computer

Is a router a PC?

No. A router is a special kind of computer. "PC" means "personal computer"; this is another kind of computer.No. A router is a special kind of computer. "PC" means "personal computer"; this is another kind of computer.No. A router is a special kind of computer. "PC" means "personal computer"; this is another kind of computer.No. A router is a special kind of computer. "PC" means "personal computer"; this is another kind of computer.

What tienes una computadora mean?

As a statement it means "you have a computer" As a question it means "Do you have a computer?"