how do i change my upnp
Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) is a set of protocols with the ideal goal of allowing any and all devices to easily connect via network.
The only thing i can think of is to go to Options -> Preferences -> Connection, then make sure the Enable UPnP Port Mapping box is checked.
Turn on the feature, if available on your computer's OS and your network router/gateway/firewall. :) Google (search) "UpNP" along with your OS and then again with your router/gateway.
yes, a little bit!
According to "JimH", an administrator on a website called "" a UPnP is a standard that many new devices support. A compliant device can talk to another UPnP device or to software. The reason you'd want one is that you can connect it to your home theater or TV and to your network, and then play the audio, video, and images that are stored on your PC.
If you want to know if your PS3 is currently connected to your router via UPnP then you can check this on network settings under 'Settings and Connection Status List'. If however you wish to enable UPnP on your PlayStation 3 you must first check that your router(wireless/wired access point) supports UPnP and then you must use 'manual' under 'network settings', however this is more advanced and is probably best if you let the PS3 set itself up(unless you know what your doing).
If the router supports uPNP then turn on uPNP in windows and see if it detects it as a new device. or, run a command window and type IPCONFIG in the info that comes up... look for the router's address there.
I believe so it does on the 360 so most likely on ps3 too. You want it enabled btw
TP Link and NETGEAR are both wireless routers from different companies. Each router can have different speed capacity. Even though the settings on the PS3 and the UPNP are the same the speed can be vastly different.