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Finishes the current executing instruction and then serves the interrupt.

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Q: What does Microprocessor does when it encounters an non maskable interrupt?
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Is trap is maskable or nonmaskable?

The TRAP interrupt is non-maskable.

What is maskable in Intel 8085 microprocessore?

Four of the interrupts in the Intel 8085 (INTR, RST5.5, RST6.5, and RST7.5) are maskable, while one interrupt (TRAP) is non-maskable.The eight RSTx type of software "interrupts" are not really interrupts, but if they were treated as interrupts, they would be non-maskable.

IS Trap is non-maskable interrupt?


What is a non-maskable?

A non-maskable interrupt is an interrupt that cannot be blocked, or masked, by the processor. In the 8085, TRAP is such an interrupt. If TRAP goes high and stays high, an interrupt vector sequence at address 24H will occur, and there is nothing the processor can do to prevent that.However, external hardware can accomplish the same thing. In a project that I designed, I needed a fourth single pin interrupt beyond RST5.5, RST6.5, and RST7.5, but I needed it to be maskable, so I built a flip flop in hardware that I could set or reset which would be AND'ed with the interrupt request to generate a maskable TRAP.

What is an maskable intErrupt?

interrupts in 8085 are basically classified into two types: 1.Maskable 2.Non maskable maskable interrupts are those which can be delayed.This is done by masking off the interrupts which are not required. Maskable interrupts are:RST 7.5,RST 6.5,RST 5.5 and INTR <decreasing order of priority>

What types of problems can cause on Non-Maskable Interrupt to occur?

A non-maskable interrupt can be caused by two things 1. when an I/O channel check signal is received from an adapter card located in one of the board's expansion slot. 2. when there is the occurrence of a parity check in the system's DRAM

Different between maskable and non-maskable interrupt?

Maskable interrupts trigger events are not always important and so the programmer can decide that the event should not cause a program to jump. Nonmaskable interrupts can not be ignored by the programmer and therefore they have absolute priority.

What is an interrupt and how are multiple interrupts dealt with?

An Interrupt is a signal that goes into a microprocessor that tells it something has happened that needs attention. There are generally dedicated pins on the microprocessor, often called "Int" (for Interrupt) and "NMI" (for Non-Maskable Interrupt). For a microprocessor, an interrupt signal is like the bell on a telephone is for you; it's a notice that you should stop what you are doing now and deal with this issue that has come up. Exact procedures for dealing with an interrupt vary from one microprocessor to another; generally, the microprocessor puts out a signal that says "Where should I go, then?" and a piece of hardware, the Interrupt Controller, then responds with a signal that tells it which condition has happened. The processor then starts processing the indicated piece of code, and that piece of code handles the condition. The Interrupt Controller often handles setting priority for interrupts, accepting a number of signals (often four), and setting priorities on each. It will trigger another interrupt in the middle of processing one if the new interrupt is a higher priority than the one that is already being processed, or will hold on to the lower priority one until the CPU is finished with a higher-priority one. The CPU can often "disable interrupts" when it is doing something time-critical. At such times, the only interrupt that can occur is the Non-Maskable Interrupt, which is generally reserved for critical error conditions that have to be dealt with immediately no matter what else is going on.

What is parity interrupt?

There is no parity interrupt on the 8085 or 8086/8088. If you mean a memory parity interrupt, that is a function of system design, not a function of the particular microprocessor involved. Generally, a memory parity error is fatal, so one would typically place it on a non-maskable interrupt, such as TRAP on the 8085, or INT 2 (NMI) on the 8086/8088. This assumes, of course, that the memory parity error does not just crash the processor.

What is The highest priority interrupt in 8085 microprocessor?

In most of the Intel processors, the highest priority interrupt is the NMI line (called TRAP in the 8085). NMI means a non-maskable interrupt, and that means it cannot be delayed or ignored. The NMI line is usually used when there are problems such as non-recoverable errors, but it could be used for debugging or profiling.Most of the Intel CPUs have 2 interrupt lines, the NMI line and the standard interrupt line. The regular interrupt line is connected to one or more interrupt controllers which split that interrupt signal to different devices. The NMI line is for the most critical processes in the computer.

What is type 2 interrupt?

Type-2 interrupt is called NMI (Non-maskable interrupt).May occur when 8086 receives a low to high transition on it's interrupt response.Could be used for handling critical situations like power failure detection.

What does a non maskable interrupt cause the CPU to produce?

A.The blue screen of deathB.A parity errorC.excessive incorrect memory count