go to command prompt type cmd then type cd \ then type calc
type at DOS prompt CD c:\
if you mean what does cmd stand for then its: Command Prompt
When you are in the Windows directory or one of its sub-directories. Once at the command prompt you could type: CD\Windows That will change the directory to Windows and what you will now see is: C:\Windows>
In the old days the DOS command CD would change directories, it can also mean Compact Disc.
Use "prompt $p$g" command.
Safe mode with command prompt option is totally depends on DOS shell, hence there is no need for separate command prompt..
when using command prompt, after you give it a command, press the enter button. Command prompt will then carry out the task and will automatically go to the next line.
This depends very much on what you are trying to accomplish by running Windows 98 with a command prompt. If you want to launch the taskbar or open a folder, enter "explorer." If you want to launch a certain application, navigate to that program's folder (use the "cd" command to change, ie. "cd C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox" to change to that folder").
PROMPT command is an internal command, which is used to change the MS-DOS prompt. Through, the system displays the prompt bu default, when you start the computer.
In command prompt write "ipconfig/all" command and then press [enter]. And see the IPv4 Address section in the commend prompt.
This is for windows xp sp2 START > RUN > cmd (Click OK or press Enter on the keyboard) (The Command Prompt Window appears) (Press Enter after each of the following commands) cd\windows (puts the prompt back to c:\windows) cd system32 (moves to c:\windows\system32) Ren interadpt.dll interadpt.old (renames the file) exit (exits the command prompt) Reboot the computer. START > RUN > cmd (Click OK or press Enter on the keyboard) (The Command Prompt Window appears) (Press Enter after each of the following commands) cd\ (puts the prompt back to the root of C:) netsh winsock reset catalog (this will repair the winsock keys) exit (closes the Command Prompt Window) (Restart the computer) Try browsing the Internet -