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This depends on the program. Most work with text, .txt files. Other programs create .odf, open document format files, whereas others use different types of formatting. Other formats include:

  • .doc (various types)
  • .rtf
  • .xml
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Microsoft Word is a word processor and editor. When you save the file of a word document, it becomes a .doc. That is a file name corresponding to documents.

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Rich Text Format (.rtf), Web Page (.htm or .html), or Comma Delimited (.csv), PDF, XPS, DOC, DOCX

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WPD file

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Q: What documents created using Word Processing Software?
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The text of a desktop publishing document is often created using?

Desktop publishing documents are often created using text editing software such as Microsoft Word or Adobe InDesign. These programs allow users to format text, insert images, and design layouts for printed materials like brochures, newsletters, and flyers. Text can be typed directly into the software or copied and pasted from other sources.

Is word processing software a type of software app?

Microsoft Word is not a system software, not by any means. It is a WordProcessing application bundled in Microsoft Office Suite. This application is used to create documents such as letters, reports, books and so on. Because this application helps users for word processing tasks, it is classified under Packaged Application Software.

Word processing software?

It lets you write documents.

What is typically the standard format for submitting to a teacher work that has been created using word processing software?

Times New Roman at 12 pt.

What is a best practice for producing documents with a desktop publishing program?

One of the most-useful practices for effective use of desktop-publishing software is that of using both word-processing and desktop-publishing software in the overall process of creating a desktop-publishing project.

What is the difference between database software and word processing software?

Database software and word processing software are different because word processing software allows you to store information on a computer using Excel and Word. Database software allows you to create a web database that allows individuals to see information online.

Can windows7 read documents created by Windows XP?

if the document created in XP using a software package eg Microsoft office 2007 then if you have Microsoft office 2007, 2010 or a newer version then you will be able to read the document created when using XP

What is a word prossesing application?

Word processing is the production of documents using a word processor. Today, "word processor" implies a word-processing computer application such as Microsoft Word, Apple's (iWork) Pages, and Open Office Writer. Word processing is essentially a means to quickly and efficiently produce documents; it allows one to create documents that look better using less time.

What is word processs?

Word processing is the creation, editing, and formatting of text documents using software tools such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs. It allows users to type, edit, and manipulate text to create professional-looking documents, reports, letters, and other types of written communication.

Are languages and compilers application softwares?

No. A compiler is a system software. An application can be created using a language and a compiler. A language is what you write the software with.No. A compiler is a system software. An application can be created using a language and a compiler. A language is what you write the software with.No. A compiler is a system software. An application can be created using a language and a compiler. A language is what you write the software with.No. A compiler is a system software. An application can be created using a language and a compiler. A language is what you write the software with.No. A compiler is a system software. An application can be created using a language and a compiler. A language is what you write the software with.No. A compiler is a system software. An application can be created using a language and a compiler. A language is what you write the software with.No. A compiler is a system software. An application can be created using a language and a compiler. A language is what you write the software with.No. A compiler is a system software. An application can be created using a language and a compiler. A language is what you write the software with.No. A compiler is a system software. An application can be created using a language and a compiler. A language is what you write the software with.No. A compiler is a system software. An application can be created using a language and a compiler. A language is what you write the software with.No. A compiler is a system software. An application can be created using a language and a compiler. A language is what you write the software with.

How is text processing performed by multimedia systems?

Scanners equipped with optical character recognition software allow text to be scanned into a computer from printed documents or from Universal Product Codes on products, using wand or handheld scanners.

What is Microsoft word to a computer?

Microsoft Word is an Utility Software built by Microsoft Corporation.Ti is an Word Processing Software. Using This Software we can makeany documentation and presentation.