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Microsoft's Earnings are going down (significantly, they are now running at a loss).

Apple's Earnings and Market Capitalisation are through the roof.

One company is now making money, the other is now losing money. I have full confidence that Windows 8 will change things some-what (which is full confidence that something may change in Windows 8), however- the iOS and OS X platforms [probably my favourite platform, writing this on OS X Mountain Lion right now..], are very robust and now very integrated. This data integration, which is not present on Windows is something that Microsoft lacks. Furthermore, due to the inefficiencies in Windows, like my computer (the newest Macbook Air 13.3") runs OS X with 300 mb of ram, while Windows 7 runs on 2.2 gb, are clear indicators of lack of engineering efficiency. These problems could cause a significant consumer turn-off from Microsoft products when the price of Apple computers lowers, or the economy recovers from the recession and spending returns to normal levels.

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What the difference between mac and PC?

Mac (or short for Macintosh) is a compute made by apple. The mac software is also made by apple and runs Mac OS X. A p is a computer that can be made by many companies such as Toshiba, Dell, HP, Acer; The list goes on. However the software that a PC runs on is Windows. Be it windows 8,7, vista etc. Windows is made by Microsoft. So the difference between Mac and PC is 1) The hardware makers A) For a mac this is apple. B) for a PC this could be Toshiba, Dell, Acer etc. 2) The software makers A) for a mac this is apple B) for a PC this is Microsoft Hope it helped. Sorry I went on a bit! George

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Yes, the word "apple" has a short vowel sound. The "a" in "apple" is pronounced as /æ/, which is a short vowel sound in English.

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