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To allow multiple users to successfully use Microsoft Dynamics GP while Visual Studio Tools integrations are accessing data, you must choose the type of locking used. You must also handle any error conditions that occur as a result of multiple users working with the same row in a table.

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That would mean you could have many users running many programs using the same OS that is running on many processors. .

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Q: What do you mean by multiuser multiprogramming multiprocessing?
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How is multiprocessing different from multiprogramming?

multiprocessing is the simultaneous processing by two or more processing unit while multiprogramming is the execution of two or more computer programs by a single compute.

Differentiate between multiprocessing and multiprogramming?

Multiprocessing means the computer can do multiple processes parallel of each other (at the same time) with no performance degradation. Multiprogramming is an application that can be used to interface with different programming languages (java, C++, etc)

What is the differences between multiprogramming operating system and multiuser operating system?

Multiprogramming System: In multiprogramming system the same memory is shared by different number of programmes. MultiUser system: More than one user can use the system at a time.There will one centralized server and the users connected with the system are called as dump terminals.

What is the key motivation for each developing multiprogramming and multiprocessing?

Elephant terrorists were attacking America so America invented the internet and multiprogramming. Multiprocessing was what they stole from the Elephants. The key motivation behind developing both these multi-technothingies was to avoid the elephants uprising.

Is DOS a multiprocessing operating system?

MS-DOS supports multiprogramming to some extent.-

Difference between multiprogramming and microprocessing system?

the main difference b/w multiprogramming and multiprocessing O.S. is that the previous one is non-interactive O.S. and the later is interactive O.S. By-Satyam Maheshwari

What is the difference between multiuser multitasking and multiprocessing?

* Multiuser: A computer system the can handle more then one user at a time. Windows is not a multiuser OS. It can handle only one user at a time. * Multitasking: The ability of an OS to do more then one thing at atime. for instance, you can be downloading a large file and still use another program to do something, like write a book. * Multiprocessing: The chip in new computers is able to do more then one task at a time because there is more then one processing unit on/in the chip.

What are advantages of multiprogramming?

Multiprogramming makes effifcient use of the CPU by overlapping the demands for the CPU and its I/O devices from various users. It attempts to increase CPU utilization by always having something for the CPU to execute.

Is windows operating system multiprogramming or multitasking?


Is windows x is multiuser os?

yes windows is a multiuser OS

When was THE multiprogramming system created?

THE multiprogramming system was created in 1968.

Is multitasking a logical extension of multiprogramming?

timesharing is logical extention of multiprogramming.