Usually Windows uses letters such as "k" as a name for a data storage device or network location. If it will not open it may either be damaged or locked.
You have to open it with winrar.
Where is it
Double clicking the folder will open it.
If you want to open a folder in a new window (not a tab in windows explorer) then you right click on the folder and click "Open in new window"
Start->My Computer, Tools->Folder Options->General, find the group which is called Browse Folders->Open each folder in the same window
Open up the .minecraft folder, and then open the bin folder, and then open the minecraft.jar with win-rar. Then drag all the .class files into that folder, then delete the META-INF folder. Then you should have the mod.
Open C drive, open your windows folder, double click on repair folder, right click on file you need, select copy, send copy of file to destination folder. If you can not view files and folders in your windows folder, select "show contents of this folder". Hope that helps
An open hand holding the folder
download the save and open the zip folder and copy the file inside the zip folder to the gamesave section on your psp (u need a PC and a USB) u cant download from psp internet
The minecraft.jar folder ( in the bin folder, in the .minecraft folder, in the application data folder) note, you will need to use an extracting program like winzip to open the folder