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Save or Save As

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Q: What do you click on to save a new document?
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What is the example for save and save as?

When you click on "Save" for a new document, you are asked the same question as "Save as" -- that is, choose a title and format to save it as. If, however, you are working on a previously saved document and wish to merely save changes you've made, click on "Save." If, however, you wish to save it as a different title or format, click on "Save as." This way you will end up with two versions, the old and new ones. For example, if you have an MS Word document (.doc) and wish to also save it as a Wordpad document (.rtf), click on "Save as" and change its format in the drop-down menu. You may get a notice that the new format may not show the document exactly as it is in the original format; so be sure to look it over and make any necessary adjustments.

Difference between between save and save as?

if you just save something like a word document and you just click save it wont save the word document in the location you want to save it to where as if you click save as you choose a specific location to save a document.

To create and save new word documents directly in share point?

Using Sharepoint, browse to the document library where the document needs to be placed; click on New > New document. This will open the application whose content type is available in the library. You can work on the document and check-in from there.Alternatively;Create a network place for the document library in question.Go to the office application in question. Click on File > save. Browse to the network location and save the document.In case of Office 2007; click on file > publish> document management server.go to the network place or type in the URL of your site's library and save the document.

How do you save a document by using the tool bar?

You click on the disk icon to save the document.

How do you make a word document?

Open up word, type what you want, click on file then save as then you have a word document! If you want a new page, click on the icon at the top.

When you click save where is it stored?

If you click save in Microsoft Word it will ask you where you want to save the document. So you choose your folder, etc. If you mean when you're editing a document, and click save, it will save what you've written. So you exit out and then open the document to see what you've written and saved.

How can save HTML document?

In order to save a HTML document, the browser can assist you. You can just right-click to get Save As option.

How would you rename a file named document 1 on your desktop to something else?

You go to "File" and click "Save". There will be a bar on the bottom saying "Save as: Document 1". Click on the Document 1 and you should be able to retype it. Then click "Save" or "OK" and you will be good.

When saving a document you determine the destination folder in which the file will be saved by?

You can determine where a document is going to be saved by choosing the save as function. This will allow you to pick where the document goes and then you can choose save when updates are made to the document.

How do you send a Microsoft Works document into Microsoft Word?

You can save your Microsoft works document in "saved as" to be a Microsoft word document. All you do is have to go to "File" the go to "Save As" then go to "Save as type" and then click the down arrow next to the "Save as type" and click "word 97-2003 Document (*.doc)" or click "word 2007 Document (*.docx). This should work. I would save it as the word 97-2003 Document (*doc). Hope this helps, Waveracer200

How do I make a new docuement?

Click on blank document to make a new document. If you already have a document open and want to create a new document click file, new, blank document.

How do you save a Microsoft Word Document onto a disk?

Alt + F click save as then browse where drive or disk you wanted to save the document.