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Q: What do you call a person who prints?
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Related questions

What are the Prints collected from someone arrested?

They are finger prints of that person who is getting arrested.

What is the difference between finger prints?

Nobody's finger prints are the same. Every person in the world has different finger prints. Even identical twins have different prints.

A person who prints is called a?

a printer

What did Thomas Wedgwood call his photographs?

Sun Prints

Why fingerprints tell a person's identity?

Finger prints tells the person's identity, because, every people in this world have a different finger prints (even identical twins).

If police find a gun and find finger prints on it can they charge the person with their prints on it?

no they find the DNA from the fingerprints and the look on the computer then the person who made the fingerprints his/her face will come on to the computer

How many copies of Frederic Remington's coming to the call were made?

how many prints of Coming to the Call were produced in 1908

Why are your finger prints unique?

because each person is different and has different finger prints ,depends were u put ur finger.....

What is the name of the person who prints stationary or books?

printer or publisher.

Why do finger prints tell a person's identity?

Fingerprints are unique to each individual due to the pattern of ridges and valleys on the skin's surface. These patterns are formed during fetal development and remain unchanged throughout a person's life, making them a reliable way to identify individuals. Additionally, the unique characteristics of fingerprints make them difficult to replicate or forge.

Where can a person buy the best zebra prints?

One can buy zebra prints at a website that specializes in selling them, such as zebra-prints. One could also look in local clothing stores or department stores.

How can a person tell if Civil War prints are reprints?

One can use several methods to tell if Civil War prints are reprints. The main method is to do adequate research to see where original Civil war prints are stored.