if its a computer virus,then call comcast or the computer network you have.
It's about the same thing as a human virus (in other word's it infects the victim,and in this case it's the computer)
What We call a person who makes sculpture
One thing that you can call a person that is addicted to computer programming is a computer nerd. A computer nerd is always on the computer.
One thing that you can call a person that is addicted to computer programming is a computer nerd. A computer nerd is always on the computer.
you call them a computer tech
A person who makes of
What We call a person who makes sculpture
A person who studies viruses is called a virologist. Virologists study the structure, evolution, and behavior of viruses to understand how they infect living organisms and cause diseases.
A person who makes maps is a cartographer.
You might call a person who makes burgers a "hamburger cook," "cook," or "grill chef."
A person who makes cart wheels is a wheelwright.