bcc means blind carbon copy. cc means carbon copy.
The abbreviation cc come from a long time ago when if you wanted to make a copy of a letter you were writing you put a piece of carbon paper followed by another piece of paper behind it and the impressions made when writing or typing the letter caused the carbon paper to duplicate what you wrote on the other piece of paper. This made a "carbon copy" which you could keep or send to someone else.
So, cc means you are sending a copy of your email to the people listed in the cc space. bcc means blind cc, meaning the person you're emailing will not know you also sent copies to these people.
Probably a superannuation deduction. Call or email the pay department and enquire, as initials and abbreviations can mean anything.
Sending an email will not show your feelings. You can meet them and ask why did they say mean things.
Carbon Copy.... if you type an email address in that line, that person will receive a copy of the email you are sending. BCC is Blind Carbon Copy meaning that if you type an address in the BCC line, that person will receive a copy of the email you are sending but their email address will not show to the others who received the email.
MOX is referred to as Meditech's internal office email.
when sending emails I get this error or SMTP telling me email did not go thru. I have 11 error messages of this type sitting in a folder I don't know how to fix or why they did not go thru. help. it could be that the person who you are sending email no longer has a account and has closed it
Electronic communication is the use of electronic devices or electronic waves such as cellphones, email, talkie-walkies, sending and receiving radios etc.
If the person sending the email to you also sent the same email to 10 other people then using the reply to all would send a reply to the person that sent you the email and the other 10 people.
what does DOM mean
Carbon Copy...as in sending an email to more than one person. BCC is Blind Carbon Copy..when you send an email to two people, but the person in the "Send to:" category does not know that the person in the "BCC" category has received the same email.