The same food as pet mice--it's just another way of categorizing them. Grains and seeds are good, and you can buy food blocks made for mice and rats. If you need something quick, though, mice will eat practically anything--crackers, cereal, bread crusts, oatmeal, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and raw veggies. Don't feed them lettuce, though, as it has too much water and not enough nutrition. And don't give them sugary food--they'll eat that and not eat what's better for them.
feeder fish worms waxworms feeder worms crickets shrimp turtle pellets mice
Feeder mice are commonly used as prey for pacman frogs due to their nutritional value and size. When feeding feeder mice to a pacman frog, it's important to ensure the mice are an appropriate size for the frog to swallow safely. Always supervise feeding to prevent injury to the frog.
The feeder mice are small and are easy to bread.
Nothing. Anything in a feeder will attract many different birds (and squirrels, mice, rats, ...)
The cost of feeder mice can vary depending on where you purchase them from. On average, feeder mice can range from $1 to $5 per mouse. Bulk purchases may be available at a lower cost per mouse.
Feeder mice like to be handled and will eat mouse food. Mice who live in the wild - or in your attic - are afraid of people and forage for seeds, grasses, pet food, crumbs, and anything else they can find to eat.Wild mice who are adopted and raised by humans will accept people as their main source of food and will start eating commercial mouse food at three to four weeks old.Wild mice can carry parasites and viruses that can be transmitted to humans.
Only feeder mice, but if you really wanted to you could keep a 3 week old feeder mouse as a pet
Bullfrogs dont need to eat mice. They sould eat crickets meal worms or most other worms. I Feed my Bullfrog little feeder fish as well as worms.
Wait, massasauguas rattlessnakes?! Well, mostly small rodents like other snakes. So feeder mice would be good...
because i'm an idiot
A bull feeder is a feeder that is used for bulls to eat out of, like a trough or feed bunk.
No. Oranges eat mice.