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small pox

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Q: What disease carried to mesoamerica by the Europeans?
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What was the disease that killed millions of people carried by?

The disease that killed millions of people and was carried by fleas on rats was the bubonic plague, also known as the Black Death. This pandemic devastated Europe in the 14th century, causing widespread death and societal disruption.

Where was mesoamerica located?

Mesoamerica was located in what is now parts of Mexico and Central America, including areas of Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador. It was characterized by its diverse indigenous cultures and civilizations that flourished before the arrival of Europeans.

What animal was believed to have carried disease through out europe?

Seals are believed to have carried disease through out Europe

How did mice spread disease in the middle ages?

they carried fleas that carried the disease and when they bit they infected their victim

What did the europeans spread to the natives?

When the Europeans came they passed a disease called smallpox.

How the black death was carried?

it was carried by rats which caught the disease from parasites

Who carried out the use of native Americans as slaves the most?

Europeans carried out the use of native Americans as slaves the most

What drug medicine helped Europeans survive deadly tropical disease?

The drug medicine that helped Europeans to survive the deadly tropical disease was benznidazole or nifurtimox.

What is called when fleas carried by rats were killing europeans?

Bubonic plaque

What are two major impacts of the arrival of the conquistador in the natives living in Mesoamerica?

The arrival of the Europeans into the Americas was the start of the loss of land, life, and lifestyle for the Native Americans.

What was the result of the deadly diseases brought to the New World by Europeans?

The introduction of deadly diseases such as smallpox, measles, and influenza to the New World resulted in catastrophic population declines among indigenous peoples. Estimates suggest that up to 90% of the indigenous population died due to diseases for which they had no immunity. This demographic collapse had significant and lasting impacts on the social, cultural, and political landscape of the Americas.

Which disease starting with the letter m is carried by the mosquito?

Malaria is a disease starting with M that's carried by mosquitoes. It is caused by a protozoan parasite.