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I think they used plants and minerals for ink.

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Q: What did monks make ink with?
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What did Monks write with?

The early monks of the midevil ages wrote with a quilland ink.

What has medieval monks got to do with pen and ink?

Monks were mainly responsible for the manufacturing of books -- this is because there were no giant printing machines back in those days -- so they had to use pen and ink!!

What did monks use to add color and decoration to pages of the manuscripts?

The monks of the midevil ages used ink to add color and decoration to pages of the manuscrpts

What did monks write on?

Monks often wrote on parchment or vellum, which were made from animal skins. They used quills made from feathers and ink made from natural materials like charcoal or plant dyes. Monasteries had scriptoria where monks would copy and illuminate manuscripts by hand.

Did monks Wright Star Wars?

no, the monks did not make right star wars.

Are any cow substance make ink?

no cows do not make ink they make milk.

What is a group of monks called?

There is no known special name for a group of monks. A monk is a singular term and when multiple monks are present an "s" is added to make the word monk plural which is monks.

What tools did monks use?

Monks used various tools such as quills and ink for writing manuscripts, knives and scissors for bookbinding, and bells or gongs for timekeeping and prayer. They also commonly used a crozier as a symbol of their pastoral authority and a rosary for prayer.

How much do Buddhist monks make?

no money. they are monks because it is their belief, and the monastery provides food and housing.

What is a group monks called?

There is no known special name for a group of monks. A monk is a singular term and when multiple monks are present an "s" is added to make the word monk plural which is monks.

How do you make Indian ink?

There is a special tree in India, and it has some kind of balls on it, and if you smash it you will get ink, so that's how you make Indian ink.

Why do printers need ink?

They need ink to make them work.If there is no ink in it,it will not work.Its the same as asking; Why do pens need ink to work? Its pretty obvious.