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Q: What devices besides a typical computer use ROM?
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What do you mean by ROM from computer storage devices?

ROM stands for "read-only memory".

Why rom is the essential part of a computer?

with out that devices we can not read the data

Why does a washing machine and other electrical devices have ROM and RAM?

why do washing machines have rom+ram <><><><> ROM (Read Only Memory) and RAM (Random Access Memory) relate to memory in a computer. Not all electrical devices have it. Most washing machines do not.

What devices attaches with a ribbon cable cpu CD-rom ram sound card?

The CD ROM connects to the computer via a ribbon cable.

Which one is not imput bar code reader or CD ROM?

CD Rom is not an input device. Input devices are things like: keyboard, scanner - these are the devices one uses when adding, editing and deleting information from the computer. You can also think about it as devices that interact with the various programs you have.

What are the similarities ROM and Hard-drives?

they are both storage devices. both have data that can be read and used during the operating of the computer.

What is firmware software?

Firmware is the combination of persistent memory and program code and data stored in it. Typical examples of devices containing firmware are traffic lights, consumer appliances, digital watches, computers, computer peripherals, mobile phones, and digital cameras. The firmware contained in these devices provides the control program for the device. Firmware is held in non-volatile memory devices such as ROM, EPROM, or flash memory.

What are three input devices called?

Computer input devices are anything that allows a user to control a computer or inputs information into a computer. These devices may include your mouse, keyboard, or gaming controller. They may also include devices such as your microphone or camera.

How does a computer know about the many devices not known by the System ROM?

The OS can load device drivers on startup to probe (examine) memory locations for answers from hardware that the System ROM can't know about (never programmed in or too new for it to understand it). Device drivers are how computers can know about devices that are not in the system ROM. The drivers would scan the addresses where the devices are found and load if the devices are present. Drivers are a way to artificially extend the functionality of the ROM BIOS (or EFI). The OS loads the system drivers. A metaphorical example might be a literal city bus driver. The driver starts the bus, it runs, and he adds people, but the bus itself doesn't know anything about people, just about running. The driver makes the difference. In this analogy, the Bus is the computer with System ROM, the driver is the operating system and/or device drivers, and the people are the devices being connected or disconnected.

Is a ROM internal devices?

yes rom means read only memory it can be internal/external

How much Ram and Rom does the computer system have?

If I was to purchase a computer that is a average desktop computer how much RAM and Rom should I have?

Can virus effect the ROM of a computer?

no, ROM cannot be wriitten