Need more information describing other markings found on the rifle. Tentatively, with a serial number that high, what you have is probably a Chinese Type 56 carbine.
Should be marked with country of manufacture and name of importer. Hopefully you are talking about a semi-automatic variant.
run program and a box will come up saying serial number
Country code +965 is Kuwait.
Without a serial number, caliber, barrel length, type of action or model number , no way to come close to guessing
If a headstock guitar has no serial number then it\'s probably a fake.
That is not a valid telephone number.
Model numbers did not come into use until @1957
Model numbers did not come into use until @1957
I'm working on my 1963 chevy nova..I have a 350 chevy with serial number TII 04HN. Want to know what year and make did this come from? Betty
Post the serial number of the revolver.