When you are completley healthy and you have no problems whatsoever. Usually you reach this place in a place you love, a peacful moment, or meditating. Its quite a good place to be really. =] dorsetcheese
If the WORKING condition is Excellent. What condition is the pistol itself in. Is it also in Excellent condition or average condition
$1000 give or take if it is in excellent condition $1000 give or take if it is in excellent condition $1000 give or take if it is in excellent condition
Excellent condition
It would be worth around $55 in Excellent condition.
A Browning A-500g shotgun in excellent condition is worth about 900 dollars.
In excellent condition it would be worth between $90 - $105
This rifle (Mauser Model 2000) is worth $350 in excellent condition.
If excellent condition actually is a Mint state coin the value could be $30.00 or more
The Model 188 was made between 1979-89. In excellent condition it is worth $45
It is very rare to find a model 117 in Excellent condition. It must have NO wear, scratches or dings. In Excellent condition it is worth around $150 it was made between 1938-1941
The Colt 45 caliber 1904 revolver in excellent condition is valued at $4,500. In good condition, it is valued at $2,200.