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Q: What command should you type at the shell prompt or command prompt?
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In the unix system what does set the prompt text mean?

It generally refers to setting the text that will appear when the shell prompt is asking the user to type in a command, meaning, the shell needs work to do. The standard prompt in most shell environments is a single character, such as '#', '$', or '%'. By setting the prompt you can customize what appears when the system is idle and wants you to type in a command to do something.

If you know that colleagues tcp ip host name is jsmith and you need to find out his ip address what commands should you type at your shell prompt or command prompt?

nslookup jsmith

Deferent between command prompt and run?

command prompt is the embaded dos shell with windows.. run is the platform from where you can run any command.. say to open command prompt from run just type "cmd" instead of going start -> programs -> accessories -> command prompt.. or to open control panel from run just type "control" instead of going start -> settings -> control panel.. try it..

What is the net command syntax on command prompt to send a message to friends ip address?

i think when you are on command prompt, you type ping, then you should know what to do next(i think)

What is a secondary prompt in UNIX?

The secondary prompt (PS2) is used to prompt the user with whatever string they want to indicate a command continuation line. For example, if I use the standard PS2 prompt and type in the command: cat abc def \ The shell will prompt me for the rest of the line with a ? mark or some other character. I usually set my secondary prompt for something more interesting, such as: PS2='more ? ' So that I know that the shell wants more information before executing the command line.

What is the Command Prompt?

when you are in cmd command prompt "type" help and you will see all the codes

How do you open calculator from command prompt in cent OS?

go to command prompt type cmd then type cd \ then type calc

What command would you type at a command prompt?


What is the command prompt code?

when you are in cmd command prompt "type" help and you will see all the codes

How do you check in the command prompt for others on the same network?

type net view in command prompt

What start run command launches the command prompt?

To launch the command prompt in run, type CMD and hit enter/ok.