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The Goto command, which you can activate by pressing the F5 key. You could also type the cell address into the name box.

The Goto command, which you can activate by pressing the F5 key. You could also type the cell address into the name box.

The Goto command, which you can activate by pressing the F5 key. You could also type the cell address into the name box.

The Goto command, which you can activate by pressing the F5 key. You could also type the cell address into the name box.

The Goto command, which you can activate by pressing the F5 key. You could also type the cell address into the name box.

The Goto command, which you can activate by pressing the F5 key. You could also type the cell address into the name box.

The Goto command, which you can activate by pressing the F5 key. You could also type the cell address into the name box.

The Goto command, which you can activate by pressing the F5 key. You could also type the cell address into the name box.

The Goto command, which you can activate by pressing the F5 key. You could also type the cell address into the name box.

The Goto command, which you can activate by pressing the F5 key. You could also type the cell address into the name box.

The Goto command, which you can activate by pressing the F5 key. You could also type the cell address into the name box.

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12y ago

The Goto command, which you can activate by pressing the F5 key. You could also type the cell address into the name box.

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Q: What command is used to move to a specific cell address in an Excel worksheet?
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What does a new worksheet icon looks like in Excel?

There is a specific icon for a new workbook, which is a whole new file, but not a worksheet. To add a worksheet to the existing workbook, go to the Insert menu and choose Worksheet.

What is each page of a spreadsheet called?

The term to identify a page in an MS Excel spreadsheet (workbook) is worksheet. The specific name of each worksheet is located on the tab below the worksheet. The default names for the three worksheets loaded when the default install of Excel is opened are: Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3.worksheet

If Excel Merge and center is disabled how to enable it?

Unprotect the page where you want to use the Merge and Center command. When a worksheet is protected, you will not be able to use any of the commands that change the appearance of the worksheet.

How can you limit a specific range name to a particular worksheet in the workbook in Excel?

Set the scope to a named range.

What allows data easy to summarize and charted in excel?

An Excel worksheet or spreadsheet allows data to be easily summed and charted.

What is the new of a new worksheet in Excel?

Create a blank worksheet.

What Portion of the Excel screen containing the gridlines is called?

The worksheet.

What is the name of individual box in Microsoft Excel 2007?

Each individual box on a worksheet in Excel is a cell. Each cell has an address consisting of the column and row identifiers. So cell B34 is the cell in column B and row 34.Each individual box on a worksheet in Excel is a cell. Each cell has an address consisting of the column and row identifiers. So cell B34 is the cell in column B and row 34.Each individual box on a worksheet in Excel is a cell. Each cell has an address consisting of the column and row identifiers. So cell B34 is the cell in column B and row 34.Each individual box on a worksheet in Excel is a cell. Each cell has an address consisting of the column and row identifiers. So cell B34 is the cell in column B and row 34.Each individual box on a worksheet in Excel is a cell. Each cell has an address consisting of the column and row identifiers. So cell B34 is the cell in column B and row 34.Each individual box on a worksheet in Excel is a cell. Each cell has an address consisting of the column and row identifiers. So cell B34 is the cell in column B and row 34.Each individual box on a worksheet in Excel is a cell. Each cell has an address consisting of the column and row identifiers. So cell B34 is the cell in column B and row 34.Each individual box on a worksheet in Excel is a cell. Each cell has an address consisting of the column and row identifiers. So cell B34 is the cell in column B and row 34.Each individual box on a worksheet in Excel is a cell. Each cell has an address consisting of the column and row identifiers. So cell B34 is the cell in column B and row 34.Each individual box on a worksheet in Excel is a cell. Each cell has an address consisting of the column and row identifiers. So cell B34 is the cell in column B and row 34.Each individual box on a worksheet in Excel is a cell. Each cell has an address consisting of the column and row identifiers. So cell B34 is the cell in column B and row 34.

Each page in a spreadsheet is called what?

A worksheet.Simply a page or a sheet.It is called a worksheet.A worksheet.The term to identify a page in an MS Excel spreadsheet (workbook) is worksheet. The specific name of each worksheet is located on the tab below the worksheet. The default names for the three worksheets loaded when the default install of Excel is opened are: Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3.

Is Excel chart created from selected worksheet data?

Yes, a chart in Excel is created from data that has been selected in the worksheet.

What is a spreadsheet referred to in Excel?

An Excel spreadsheet is referred to as a worksheet. A collection of worksheets is called a workbook.