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Q: What clues supply an example of an unknown word in the text?
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What kind of Clues supply definitions in the text?

Text clues are what you use to support your answer.

Example of lexical clues?

Lexical clues are hints found within the text itself that help readers understand the meaning of unfamiliar words. For example, in the sentence "She gulped the icy liquid," the word "gulped" provides a clue that the liquid was consumed quickly and eagerly. These clues can assist readers in figuring out the meaning of unknown words based on the context in which they appear.

What is configuration clues example?

Configuration clues refer to the information provided in a text that helps readers better understand the relationships and organization of ideas within the text. For example, headings, subheadings, bullet points, and numbering can provide clues about the structure and flow of the content. Paying attention to these clues can aid in comprehension and retention of the material.

Where are context clues located?

Context clues can be found within a sentence, paragraph, or passage where unfamiliar words or concepts are introduced. These clues help readers understand the meaning of the unknown word by providing hints or suggestions based on the surrounding text.

What is aexample of context clues?

An example of context clues is when unfamiliar words are defined or explained in the surrounding text, helping readers understand their meaning. This can include synonyms, antonyms, descriptions, or examples that give hints about the word's definition.

What does the word textual clues mean?

Textual clues refer to specific words, phrases, or details within a written text that provide information or hints about the meaning of the text. These clues can help readers infer or understand key ideas, themes, or relationships within the text.

What does texts clues mean?

Text clues means evidence and details

What does the word clue mean?

Well I think that it means a text that has predictable clues, or that you can find clues about what the book is about by the text/title.

What is contextual clues?

Contextual clues are surrounding details in text that help readers understand the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases. These clues could be in the form of synonyms, antonyms, examples, or explanations provided in the text. Understanding contextual clues can improve reading comprehension and vocabulary acquisition.

What is context clues means?

Context clues are hints or information within a text that help readers figure out the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases. These clues can be found from the sentences surrounding the unknown word, including definitions, synonyms, antonyms, or examples that provide context for understanding the word's meaning. By using context clues, readers can enhance their comprehension and vocabulary skills.

What clues supply definitionss in the text?

Definitions in a text can be identified through the use of signal words such as "is defined as," "refers to," or "means." Additionally, the use of commas before or after a term, or the presence of parentheses or dashes around a term, can indicate that a definition is being provided. Clues from the context surrounding the term can also help infer its meaning.

When drawing conclusions what are text clues?

Text clues are important details in the book ect. It's also important details in the whole book