New York (the city) is in New York (the state). New York (the state) is not in Miami (a city). Miami (the city) is in Florida (a state).
The halfway point between Miami and NYC is Zebulon, NC or Florence, S.C
There are 1,277.4 miles between Miami, Florida and New York City, New York. The drive would be an estimated 18 hours 32 minutes in duration.
It's 1,286 driving miles between Miami, Florida and NYC (about 20 hours 2 mins)
1,277.5 road miles.
The air distance -- within the United States of America -- from New York City, New York, to Miami Beach, Florida, is 1,087 miles. That equals 1,750 kilometers or 945 nautical miles.
The drive from New York City and Miami is about 1300 miles. Driving on the I-95, the midpoint will be near Florence, SC.
NYC to Seattle is longer.
1,281 miles or 2,061km
The flight distance from John F. Kennedy International Airport to Miami International Airport is 1,090 miles.
Miami is typically the least rainy city out of New York, Miami, and Seattle. Seattle tends to have more rainfall due to its location in the Pacific Northwest, while New York can also experience more rain compared to Miami.
new orleans