

What causes endometriosis?

Updated: 10/3/2023
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8y ago

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There are several things that have said to be the cause of endometriosis. Although endometriosis can occur at pretty much any time in a woman's reproductive life, the most common ages are from twenty five to twenty nine. Some studies show that it is thought to be a hereditary factor. When a woman is exposed to increased menstruation, her possibility of developing endometriosis is higher. Also, a woman who experienced long and heavy menstrual periods before having children might be more susceptible to endometriosis. Obesity is another factor that can affect the possibility of developing the disease

There are a number of treatments available. They include surgery to remove the endo, pain medications, drugs that affect the hormonal system, herbal medicine of Fuyan Pill, and hysterectomy.

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8y ago
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16y ago

This is a question that plagues all the women who have endometriosis.

There is no proven answer at this point - there are only theories. Probably the most widely accepted theory is the one which says endometriosis is caused by the back flow of menstruation. This means, menstrual blood actually travels backwards and settles into what are known as the endometrial implants on various places within the pelvis region. There are several other theories that attempt to explain the causes of endometriosis as well. It is probably a combination of all these theories.

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15y ago

I believe that Endo is caused by hypertension, created in a situation where a relationship is very stressfull. Hence it is common in women who either have and/or have partner with ADHD.

I am not qualified, but it is self explanitory.

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All women are different. Some women with endometriosis will not have regular periods. However, there are also women with endometriosis that either have irregular periods, or even those that have very regular periods. If you think you may have endometriosis, see your OB GYN.