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input device

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Q: What can read data and convert it to a form that a computer can use?
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How the computer processes data?

It converts the data into bytes, a form which it can easily read

How do you use data in a sentence?

"I had to convert the data from the chart into a bar graph.

Why the information collected by the sensor can't be read by computer directly?

A computer cannot read data from sensors directly because the signals received from the sensors come as analogue signals which, a computer cannot read. It requires a converter to convert the signals in to digital signals so the computer can be able to read it.

Computer memory is what kind of device?

Computer memory is a form of computer data storage, which takes the form of integrated circuits. There are two types of computer memory: Random-access memory (RAM) and Read-only memory (ROM).

What does the device manager read data from?

It reads data for the CPU of the computer AKA The Brain

How data is accessed from a disk that has one read?

by put it in the computer

Why rom is the essential part of a computer?

with out that devices we can not read the data

What is information in computers?

When there is too much data for the Computer to read.

Data that has been processed into a meaningful form?

Actually, Processed data that conveys meaning and is useful to people is called INFORMATION, not output. Response: Maybe true, but the answer to the question given is OUTPUT!

What is decompression in multimedia?

the process of expanding computer data to its normal size so that it can be read by a computer.

What uses a light source to read characters and then convert them into digital data?

Optical Reader

How does XML describe data?

xml uses tags to describe data, any computer can then read the data using the tags.