If a hard drive is clicking then a person should make a decision
to try and back up or recover any files on the hard drive. Files on
the hard drive can be recovered by using professional hard drive
recovery systems.
When you start your computer you hear a clicking you can hear a clicking sound and then it wont start up?
I actually had this problem with my first xbox. It turned out to
be the hard drive.
How could a person repair a damaged hard drive?
There is a possibility that one could repair their own hard
drive but it would be time consuming. If your hard drive is making
a loud steady clicking sound then it is truly dead. Should this not
be the case you could try one of the online programs that will try
and restore your data back to the broken drive. The best solution
is to take the drive in and have a specialist repair it for you or
transfer your data to a new drive.
My Hard drive is clicking and i have a primary hard disk error message?
The "Clicking" sound that a hard drive makes is NEVER a good sound. What you are hearing is the drive re-zeroing (the heads are returning to the home position) because it is having read errors.The fact that you're getting a "primary hard disk error" indicates that the drive is most likely beyond help.Sorry to tell you this, but it's time for a new hard drive.See the question: "Why is it important to make backups?" ;)
How do you determine the size of your computer?
You can get RAM details by right clicking computer or the hard
drive by clicking computer and looking at the max capacity off the
separate drives. :)