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Machine language

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Tavares Cole

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Q: What can be directly executed by the processor's circuitry?
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Behind my temple is a complex system of circuitry and processors that enable me to understand and generate responses to your queries. It's essentially the "brain" that powers my virtual existence.

What is a processors instruction set?

The set of instructions, on the CPU chip, that the computer can perform directly.

How high level program is executed?

High-level programs cannot be executed directly, they must be compiled in advance of execution, or interpreted by a runtime program.

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Not directly. Mussolini was captured and executed by Italian partisans.

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Circuitry. All a computer is, is Circuitry.

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What do you use to measure light?

there is an instrument called lux meter. i believe that it works with a complex electronics circuitry using light sensitive devices. it directly gives the reading in lux.

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Better Living Through Circuitry was created in 1999.

I have an AMD A8 APU with Radeon R5 Graphics. I want to upgrade but I can't find any ft3 socket processors with integrated graphics. Any help?

Unfortunately, your A8 processor is not upgradable, as FT3 Socket (BGA769) processors are soldered directly to the motherboard, and are not removable.

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The Instruction Register (IR) stores the instruction currently being executed. In simple processors each instruction to be executed is loaded into the instruction register which holds it while it is decoded, prepared and ultimately executed.

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Not directly. They need to be converted to "machine language" by compilers and linkers before they can be executed by the machine.

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