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well, a firewall could do it, but an Intrusion Prevention System is the more obvious answer.

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Q: What can automatically detect and deny network access to a host whose traffic patterns appear suspicious?
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What device can automatically detect and deny network access a host whose traffic patterns appear suspicious?

a terd

What can automaticaly detect and deny network access to a host whose traffic patterns appear suspicious?

IPS (Intrusion Prevention System)- A dedicated device or software running on a host that automatically reacts to any unauthorized attempt to access an organization's secured resources on a network or host. IPS is often combined with IDS, however IDS do not automatically make changes to block or overt traffic.

What is traffic analysis?

Traffic analysis is a method used by attackers to monitor and analyze network traffic to gather information about its patterns, volume, and behavior. This can help attackers identify vulnerabilities in the network and plan future attacks more effectively. It can also be used for legitimate purposes, such as optimizing network performance and security.

Which network tool would you use to detect and prevent any illegal network activity?

Network-based Intrusion Prevention (NIPS): monitors the entire network for suspicious traffic by analyzing protocol activity.A reactive NIDS can also be called a network intrusion prevention system (NIPS).

What is anamoly based intrusion detection system?

Anomaly-based intrusion detection systems monitor network traffic for deviations from established baselines of normal behavior. They can detect suspicious activities that deviate from the expected patterns, such as abnormal traffic volume or unusual user behavior. Anomaly-based systems use machine learning and statistical analysis to identify potential security threats.

What mode automatically creates exceptions for applications starting up on a host based on network traffic when the rule does not exist or is specifically blocked?


What mode automatically creates exceptions for applications starting up on a host based on network traffic when the rule does not exist or is specifically blocked.?


What mode automatically creates exceptions for application starting up on a host based on network traffic when the rule does not exist or is specifically blocked?


Mode automatically creates exceptions for applications starting up on a host based on network traffic when the rule does not exist or is specifically blocked?


What is a network traffic analyzer used for?

A network traffic analyzer is used for analyzing and monitoring the use of network traffic for many devices. Network Traffic Analyzer is also used to monitor the wireless network performance.

How VLAN reduces the network traffic?

yes, it reducing the network traffic

What are some types of security events and baseline anomalies that indicate suspicious activity?

Some common types of security events that indicate suspicious activity include unauthorized access attempts, unusual network traffic patterns, unexpected changes in user behavior, and abnormal system activities. Baseline anomalies might include a sudden increase in failed login attempts, unusual file access patterns, unexpected changes in system configurations, and spikes in network bandwidth usage.