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Yes. In short, virtually everything, and anything. It all depends on what the virus what built to do.

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Q: What can a computer virus erase from the hard drive?
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How does Trojan virus effect the computer?

It can erase your hard drive!They can delete your files.

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"Good Times"

What is example of intentional virus setting?

Some examples of intentional virus setting is to mess up your hard drive or to erase an important file from your PC. The consequences can be horrible and you can damage your computer extensively.

What is intentional virus setting Describe some examples.?

Some examples of intentional virus setting is to mess up your hard drive or to erase an important file from your PC. The consequences can be horrible and you can damage your computer extensively.

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Before you send your computer to the electronics graveyard, remove the hard drive. If the computer still functions, you can erase the hard drive.

What computer virus destroys data on a hard drive?


If my computer gets a virus can i buy a new hard drive and not worry about the virus and were do the virus go when you get one?

The virus is on the hard drive so if you get a new hard drive the virus will be gone. A cheaper option would be to just reinstall the operating system though. (Vista, Win 7)

Can you get rid of a computer virus?

Get Norton anti virus or if that dont work reset your hard drive

How can you erase e drive?

The E drive will be specific to your computer, so it is hard to tell what the E drive on your computer is exactly. Here is some general advice for erasing drives In "my computer", when you right click on any drive, you can click "Format Drive" then you should be able to erase the drive from there. This doesn't work on some DVD drives

What is a sentence using the word virus?

A virus cannot be treated with antibiotics. My computer had a virus, so I had to reformat the hard-drive.

What are the damages done by computer virus on computer?

delete filescopy filesshare fileslock filessteal bank detailsmonitor your activitymake the hard drive short circuitdestroy the hard drive

How do you get rid of a virus when Windows xp will not start?

Reinstall Windows XP from your CD or DVD set and reformat your hard drive. This will erase everything including the virus. Also, get a Mac.