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The Formula Bar.

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Q: What bar displays the raw contents of a cell in Excel spreadsheets?
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What is the format that displays text in multiple lines with in a cell called?

If you are referring to Excel spreadsheets, that is called wrap text.

Does the formula bar in Excel display the value or formula of an active cell?

It displays what is called the Cell Contents. The Cell Contents are what was originally typed into the cell. If that is only a value, then it displays the value. If it is a formula, then you will see the formula that was entered. In the cell itself you will normally see the result of that formula, unless the worksheet has been set to show the formulas.It displays what is called the Cell Contents. The Cell Contents are what was originally typed into the cell. If that is only a value, then it displays the value. If it is a formula, then you will see the formula that was entered. In the cell itself you will normally see the result of that formula, unless the worksheet has been set to show the formulas.It displays what is called the Cell Contents. The Cell Contents are what was originally typed into the cell. If that is only a value, then it displays the value. If it is a formula, then you will see the formula that was entered. In the cell itself you will normally see the result of that formula, unless the worksheet has been set to show the formulas.It displays what is called the Cell Contents. The Cell Contents are what was originally typed into the cell. If that is only a value, then it displays the value. If it is a formula, then you will see the formula that was entered. In the cell itself you will normally see the result of that formula, unless the worksheet has been set to show the formulas.It displays what is called the Cell Contents. The Cell Contents are what was originally typed into the cell. If that is only a value, then it displays the value. If it is a formula, then you will see the formula that was entered. In the cell itself you will normally see the result of that formula, unless the worksheet has been set to show the formulas.It displays what is called the Cell Contents. The Cell Contents are what was originally typed into the cell. If that is only a value, then it displays the value. If it is a formula, then you will see the formula that was entered. In the cell itself you will normally see the result of that formula, unless the worksheet has been set to show the formulas.It displays what is called the Cell Contents. The Cell Contents are what was originally typed into the cell. If that is only a value, then it displays the value. If it is a formula, then you will see the formula that was entered. In the cell itself you will normally see the result of that formula, unless the worksheet has been set to show the formulas.It displays what is called the Cell Contents. The Cell Contents are what was originally typed into the cell. If that is only a value, then it displays the value. If it is a formula, then you will see the formula that was entered. In the cell itself you will normally see the result of that formula, unless the worksheet has been set to show the formulas.It displays what is called the Cell Contents. The Cell Contents are what was originally typed into the cell. If that is only a value, then it displays the value. If it is a formula, then you will see the formula that was entered. In the cell itself you will normally see the result of that formula, unless the worksheet has been set to show the formulas.It displays what is called the Cell Contents. The Cell Contents are what was originally typed into the cell. If that is only a value, then it displays the value. If it is a formula, then you will see the formula that was entered. In the cell itself you will normally see the result of that formula, unless the worksheet has been set to show the formulas.It displays what is called the Cell Contents. The Cell Contents are what was originally typed into the cell. If that is only a value, then it displays the value. If it is a formula, then you will see the formula that was entered. In the cell itself you will normally see the result of that formula, unless the worksheet has been set to show the formulas.

What is a copy cell in Excel?

When you copy a cell, you copy the contents of the cell. Excel allows you to paste those contents in a variety of ways. For example, you can paste either the cell contents (like a formula =A1+B3) or the cell value (like 143).

Where Excel displays the formula that is in a cell IS WHAT?

The formula bar.

In Excel what displays the cell address the Insert Function button and the contents of the current cell?

The Formula Bar shows those things. Included in it is what is specifically known as the Name Box, which is where the address is shown. The Insert Function button is beside that and then the Formula Box part, when you can see the contents of the cell.

As you type Excel displays the entry in the and also displays the active cell reference in the name box on the left?

As you type, Excel displays the entry in the FORMULA BAR, and also displays the active cell reference int he Name box on the left.

What is the formula that multiples the contents of cell B4 by 18.5 in Excel?

=B4*18.5 This formula will also work in the OpenOffice and LibreOffice spreadsheets.

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What does the formula box display?

It displays contents of the active cell.

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