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Landfill methane used for hydrogen fuel

Catalyx Nanotech is the first company to use methane for nanofiber production. Through a demonstration project at a California landfill, the company was able to split methane into pure hydrogen and carbon to produce nanofibers. Carbon-based nanofibers can be applied to a number of uses: medical, energy, protection, textile; in this case, they'll be used for hydrogren fuel supply. The company says that by making hydrogen at a local landfill they will avoid a hugely expensive and energy inefficient process of fabricating and transporting the hydrogen.

(via Clean Technia)

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Q: What are uses of mathane?
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Answer At that temperature it is classed as a gas.

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The chemical formula for methane is CH4.

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Methane is one atom of Carbon and four atoms of Hydrogen ... CH4

What happens when Mathane burns in air?

MEthane or CH4 with complete combustion will turn into CO2 and H2O The formula for complete combustion of methane: CH4 + 2O2-> CO2 + 2H2O

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First of all it is a compound made of different elements, hence it cannot exist in periodic table. Periodic table is composed only of pure elements not in any combined form.

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