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ils y a deux types: table statique et table dynamique

Translation - There are 2 types. Static table, and dynamic table.

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Q: What are two common types of static routes in routing tables?
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What is the advantage of static routing over dynamic routing?

Static routing is used when there are a finite number of routes that never change. This allows you to optimize the table according to its size and provide the fastest routing algorithm possible. Dynamic routing is used when the number of routes change on a regular basis either in size or because some links change speed. These routing tables need to be reorganized on a regular basis and that takes time. Even though it may not take much time to reorganize the table, you must make sure not to affect any routing that involves quality of service constraints.

What is Difference between static and dynamic routing tables?

Technically, there is no such thing. The routing table has several entries (think of them as lines); the individual LINES in the routing table can be static or dynamic; and the routing table in its entirety can have both types. A static entry is programmed (hard-coded) by a network administrator. A dynamic entry is one which the router learns from a routing protocol, such as RIP, EIGRP, OSPF, BGP, etc. The routers "talk" to one another, and tell one another that they have routes to certain networks; the router that receives such updates will update its routing table as a result. Such entries are temporary, and expire after a relatively short time.

What is rip protocol?

RIP is a protocol used by routers to exchange information about their routing tables. In dynamic routing, a router learns from other routers about possible routes by advertising what they know. RIP is a protocol that can do that.

When routing tables adapt to network changes the routing system is called?

When routing tables adapt to network changes the routing system is called adaptive.

Why is a large busy network more likely to use DHCP?

Because static routing requires someone to manual create a routing table for every subnet on the large network and the larger the network the bigger the margin of error in the routing tables larger network also change more, more subnets are added ip are changes every time a router IP is changed or a new router is added a routing table need to be added to that router and the routing tables on other routers need to be modified so the other router know how to communicate with the new router whereas dynamic routing learns the routes for its self saving human error and manpower

What are the main characteristics of a virtual circuit packet?

it exists only for the duration of an exchange It creates a dedicated connection for an exchange It uses routing tables to determine routes

What is the significance of route summarization?

The significance of route summarization is that the number of routes in the routing tables are reduced. This reduces the bandwidth used to update those routes from one router to another. It also reduces the memory requirements and CPU load of the router. This is relevant both within an organization, and worldwide.One interesting details is that the worldwide routing BGP routing tables currently (as of 2017) contain over half a million routes. This is already getting to be too much for some older routers. Once IPv6 gets used on a larger scale, that problem should be mitigated, since in IPv6, addresses are set up in a more hierarchical way, making it easier to summarize routes.

What information is required by a router to successfully route packets?

To route a packet, usually an IP packet, a router compares the destination address to its (the router's) routing table. The router can get entries (rows) in its routing table in three different ways: (1) directly connected networks; (2) static routes (the route was configured manually by an administrator); (3) dynamic routes (the router learned available routes from a neighboring router, using a routing protocol such as RIP or OSPF).

What is dynamic routing?

Routing refers to the process of moving packets of information across a network. Static and dynamic routing are the two types of routing algorithms used for this transfer of information.The term routing encapsulates two tasks. These tasks are deciding the paths for data transferred and sending the packets on these paths. The routing is a process that is a function carried out at layer 3 of the OSI reference model. The routing algorithm decides the output line to transfer the incoming packets. The routing algorithms are based on the routing protocol that uses metrics to assess whether a particular path is the optimal path available for transfer of the data packets. The metrics used for evaluating the paths are bandwidth, delay and reliability. The routing algorithms use these protocols to determine an optimal path from the source to the destination. The routing tables maintain all the information related to routing. There are various routing algorithms and depending on these routing algorithms, the information stored in the routing table varies. Every router has its own routing table and it fills this table with the required information to calculate the optimal path between the source router and the destination router. To understand the basic points of static vs dynamic routing, let us get to know what are routing tables.Routing tableA routing table is a document stored in the router or a network computer. The routing table is stored in the form of a database or is simply a file stored in the router. The data entered in the routing table is referred to when the best possible path to transfer information across two computers in a network is to be determined. The two classifications, viz., static and dynamic routing, are based on the way in which the routing tables are updated every time they are used. The routers in which the data is stored and updated manually are called static routers. On the other hand, the routers in which the information is changed dynamically, by the router itself, are referred to as dynamic routers. Let us compare the two types of routing algorithms based on the static and dynamic routing algorithm used, in the static vs. dynamic routing section given below.Static Vs. Dynamic RoutingStatic routing manually sets up the optimal paths between the source and the destination computers. On the other hand, the dynamic routing uses dynamic protocols to update the routing table and to find the optimal path between the source and the destination computers.The routers that use the static routing algorithm do not have any controlling mechanism if any faults in the routing paths. These routers do not sense the faulty computers encountered while finding the path between two computers or routers in a network. The dynamic routing algorithms are used in the dynamic routers and these routers can sense a faulty router in the network. Also, the dynamic router eliminates the faulty router and finds out another possible optimal path from the source to the destination. If any router is down or faulty due to certain reasons, this fault is circulated in the entire network. Due to this quality of the dynamic routers, they are also called adaptive routers.The static routing is suitable for very small networks and they cannot be used in large networks. As against this, dynamic routing is used for larger networks. The manual routing has no specific routing algorithm. The dynamic routers are based on various routing algorithms like OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) and RIP (Routing Information Protocol).The static routing is the simplest way of routing the data packets from a source to a destination in a network. The dynamic routing uses complex algorithms for routing the data packets.The static routing has the advantage that it requires minimal memory. Dynamic router, however, have quite a few memory overheads, depending on the routing algorithms used.The network administrator finds out the optimal path and makes the changes in the routing table in the case of static routing. In the dynamic routing algorithm, the algorithm and the protocol is responsible for routing the packets and making the changes accordingly in the routing table.Nowadays, the static routing is seldom used. With the technological advancements, the dynamic routing is used to route the packets in the network, efficiently. Thus, the above algorithm explains routing, routing tables and static vs dynamic routing.

What is the function of the EIGRP routing protocol on the network layer of the OSI model?

A routing protocol basically allows routers to tell each other about available routes, updating the information regularly. Enough information is provided so that a router can choose between two or more different routes, should such alternative routes exist.A routing protocol basically allows routers to tell each other about available routes, updating the information regularly. Enough information is provided so that a router can choose between two or more different routes, should such alternative routes exist.A routing protocol basically allows routers to tell each other about available routes, updating the information regularly. Enough information is provided so that a router can choose between two or more different routes, should such alternative routes exist.A routing protocol basically allows routers to tell each other about available routes, updating the information regularly. Enough information is provided so that a router can choose between two or more different routes, should such alternative routes exist.

What 2 tasks do dynamic routing protocols perform?

Network discoveryUpdate and maintain routing tables

What protocol enables routers to build tables of routing information?

Routing Information Protocol (RIP)