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im looking for an answer myself, but have come across some very vauge, yet helpful suggestions.

so far efixiation is the easiest and fastes way I've found, c02 works great and can be made with dry ice, cheaply, but that's all i got so far sry

See here for good information about least painful forms - overdose of anaesthesia:

Death by CO2 is cruel and painful because the animal suffocates to death..when CO2 is introduced in high levels the Heart rate increases,breathing increases and becomes labored,disorentation occurs,muscle spasms,convultions and loss of bodily functions are not uncommon as well....

For small animals such as pet mice and rats cervical dislocation is a fast and humane manor..This can of course be done using the proper size of mouse/rat trap,or can be done by holding the animal and with some force quickly striking the back of its neck/head on a hard surface...This method is done in many petshops and by individuals to kill mice/rats prior to feeding them to reptiles such as snakes,because it is more humane than allowing the snake to crush the animal causing asphixiation....

The use of Nitrogen is also a humane method used in most labs for rats,mice, and rabbits...Nitrogen asphixiation causes the animal to fall into a deep sleep as the oxygen levels in its body fall and death follows quickly with cardiac arrest with hardly any visable signs of distress unlike Asphixiation by CO2 that cause a wide range of symptoms before death occurs....

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13y ago
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14y ago

Once in a while a filed mouse wanders into our house - often in the Fall or Spring. The most humane way I have found to trap and release mice is to buy something called a Mice Cube. They are made in NH but sold on the internet. They are small plastic long cubes with a swinging door that will fit under a sink or in the laundry room - but you have to check them daily (with a flashlight because they are dark). Once your small visitor ventures inside, they may not survive if left more than 1 day. You place peanut butter on the door, then peanut butter on a small piece of cracker inside. The mouse will be frightened, so gently pick up the cube and keep it level so it doesn't shake too much. Keep your voice calm as they have sensitive ears. For the best chance of survival, you will want to relocate it away from predators and cats, and near rocks, leave and wooded areas. But not too far from homes/barns because they need access to food, shelter and water to survive. Also, they shouldn't be released too far from their families - they depend on them. (Assuming they are not living IN your house, that is. Then you may wish to relocate them in a safe area about 1 mile away). After the mouse scampers off, I throw the Mice Cube away because the mouse usually has messed it up. It feels good to see the mouse be released safely, and to know they are outside, where they belong.

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14y ago

There are many ways to kill a mouse if that is what you desire.

1) Mouse trap - not the game. Standard spring or live capture.

2) Poison - not nice but works

3) Sterilisation - Doesn't kill but stops any more being produced.

4) Cat or small dog - a ratter.

5) Live capture - Sticky paper or trap. (Still got to get rid of them though)

6) Shotgun - A bit extreme but works

7) Foot or large brick - Works but a bit messy.

8) Sunken pit with pointy spikes (Works with humans so mice should be ok)

9) Make them watch PBS for 10 hours.

10) Sell them double glazing, they'll commit suicide.

11) Catch it in a microwave… better not go there.

12) Tactical thermonuclear weapon - over kill perhaps.

13) ……and many more

Or you could just let the little blighter live.

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15y ago

Regular snap traps kill instantly. Glue pads, poison and wet traps are slow.

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14y ago

You can kill mice by using an electronic mouse trap called, Rat Zapper.

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