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Q: What are the ways to enter into Unix?
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What is the most popular ways for sharing files under UNIX?

For Unix systems that are only talking to other Unix systems NFS (Network File System) is the most popular. If you want to share Unix files with Windows systems, then Samba is one of the most popular ways to accomplish this.

Why is GNULinux called a unix-like operating system?

GNU/Linux is a 'Unix-like' operating system because it was based on Unix, and is similar in many ways.

How do you enter to a file in unix?

Not sure what you mean by enter a file; you could use an editor, such as vi, emacs, nano, pine, etc. to edit it.

How do you find files in Linux and Unix?

Linux and Unix and their variants have several different ways of locating files. each of the below commands can be used to locate files.findlocatewheriswhich

How do you send a file from Windows to a Unix printer I can send the file to the Unix itself but I need to be able to send a file from Windows straight to a Unix printer Does anyone know how?

There are several ways. One is to have Samba configured on the Unix system so that the Windows system has access to it. Another way is to install the lpr service for windows (most Windows servers now have that service as an installable service). 'lpr' is the Unix printing spooler which would allow you to use the lpr command in windows to print to a Unix printer.

What is a common symbol put in front of UNIX commands?

It's $ for normal commands, and # for system-administration. You mustn't actually type these when you enter a command.

What is the Unix command to display your login name on the screen?

There are many ways to do this: whoami id echo $USER echo $LOGNAME

There are 2 entries to a hall. In how many ways you can enter and exit from the hall?

It depends if their is a window in the hall, because you can exit or enter the hall through a window, and you can only enter two ways, and exit two ways, making for a combined total of four ways to enter and exit the hall. its either that or there is 2 enterances and no exits

What is a UNIX command that will count how many users have logged on and also the users list in the UNIX system?

There are many ways to do this, but the fastest and easiest is to use the 'uptime' command, which will tell you in a summary line how many users are logged in.

What is uucp?

UUCP is the abbriviation of Unix to Unix copy. It is worldwide email system called UUCP or Unix to Unix copy.This email system was developed for the operating system called Unix.

Is UNIX based on Linux?

No, but Linux is based on Unix since Linux is a Unix clone.

Who is Unix work performed by?

Unix work is performed by users of the unix system, for application and system programs, or anything that requires a Unix system.