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Well it depends on what you are comparing it to...

Mac vs. Pc:

Pros: Much cheaper, much easier upgradability, compatible with more programs and hardware, easier organization, more custamizable

Cons: Macs usually have far less viruses, (however if a mac gets a virus you cant remove it yourself) Macs come with very good free programs such as iMovie, a pc requires you to purchase antivirus or else you risk losing personal data, Pc's have more cables to hook up (the main difference between the 2 is realoly just the operating system so it comes down to your own preference)

Myths: "mac is faster than pc" - false. They both have basicaly the same parts from the same dealers, "macs have no viruses" - false they have only a few mainly because pcs are a better target seeing that they hold a larger part of the market also apple won't tell that your system failure is actually a virus

Pc vs. Laptop:

Pros: no batteries, less chance of overheating, easier to change parts, can install much more powerful hardware which allows pc's to reach higher speeds, larger screens, always a full keyboard

Cons: not portable, will shut doen during a power surge or outage which can cause hardware issues, alot of cords to set up, more expensive (in total when adding moniter mouse keyboard and speakers)

Pc vs. Tablet:

Pros: you don't have to constantly hold it up, you usually cant upgrade the internals of the tablet, no limited screen size, mouse and full keyboard, more processing power and higher speeds

Cons: touch screen Pc's are very expensive, more vulnerable to viruses, not portable

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