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The proper placement of fingers on a computer keyboard are as followed;

Your right index finger should rest lightly on the J key- it's usually accompanied by some sort of texture difference, a small bump or some such, but that's not always the case based on the keyboard you're using.

Following the natural order of your right hand, rest your middle finger on the K key. Your right ring finger should be on the L, and your right pinky should rest on the semi-colon key ( ; key.)

Your left index finger should rest lightly on the F key, also usually textured with a bump, tab or some sort, and from there your left middle finger should rest on the D key, your left ring finger should rest on the S key, and your left pinky should rest on the A key.

Remember to give yourself correct posture while typing- Eyes forward, back straight against your chair, feet on the floor.

When I first started out, I had to look at the keys often. Don't be afraid to look at the keys, but try to use all ten of your fingers by reaching out with all ten of them, following the basic outline listed above.

Also remember to stop once in a while, stretch out your hands. Your Words Per Minute, or WPM, will improve drastically with practice and patience.

If you use any program to chat with other people, try to change your typing habits to type properly. Use capitalization and puncuation, even if you are slower doing so, and avoid acronyms like "lol" "brb" and "afk". Type them out!

Good luck!

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14y ago

on your keyboard there should be two small bumps on the "F" and "J" buttons. put your index fingers there. put your middle fingers on the "D" and "K" buttons. ring fingers on "S" and "L". pinky fingers on the "A" and the ": and ;" buttons. and thumbs on the spacebar. i hope that wasnt too complicated

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13y ago

Thumbs on the space bar right one under the H - J keys and the left one under the F - G keys.

In this position you can reach all letters + the shift key with your right pinky finger.

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