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Q: What are the negative effects of computer in entertainment?
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What computer games have negative effects on young people?

Computer games not for learning

What are the negative effects of computers?

Using a computer can have some negative effects that include Computer Vision Syndrome, headaches, and neck pain. Typing can cause pain in the hand and wrist.

What are the negative effects of using computers?

Using a computer can have some negative effects that include Computer Vision Syndrome, headaches, and neck pain. Typing can cause pain in the hand and wrist.

What are the negative effects on the use of computers?

There are too many if you use in wrong way, use computer only for what you realy need without negative effects.

What are the Effect of using computer?

Using a computer can have some negative effects that include Computer Vision Syndrome, headaches, and neck pain. Typing can cause pain in the hand and wrist.

What are the negative effects of using a computer?

There are an unlimited amount of negative outcomes that stem from computer usage: carporol tunnel syndrome, computer vision syndrome, addiction, communication barriers, increased stress, distractions, disconnectedness, physical decline, exposure to unsafe material, and bullying.

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negative effects

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What is the effects of watching anime?

You get entertainment.

When was Computer Entertainment Rating Organization created?

Computer Entertainment Rating Organization was created in 2002-07.

What are the affects on hacking a computer?

Computer hacking can be a serious crime, leading to the theft of identifying information or the shutdown of online services.Even those who are not the direct victims of hackers can be affected by computer hacking.These effects manifest in a number of ways, though in some cases, not all of the effects are negative.

When was Sony Computer Entertainment created?

Sony Computer Entertainment was created on 1993-11-16.