-define the amount of white space that appears at the top, bottom, left, and right edges of your document. -the blank space around the edges of the page. In general, you insert text and graphics in the printable area inside the margins
A margin is the area between the working part of the page and the physical edge of the page. There should always be a gap between where you type and the edge of the actual page for tidiness and printing purposes. The top margin is also the area where headers can be put and in the bottom margin you can put a footer.
You have 4 standard margins, which are the top, left, bottom and right. You can also have what is known as a gutter margin which is used to give extra space to be allowed for a binding of a document or where you might be punching holes in a document. A gutter margin is in addition to the margin on the part of the page that is being binded or punched.
It adjusts the margins on the page.
To create margins on short bond paper, you can use the ruler or margin settings in your word processing software to adjust the margins to your desired measurements. Typically, standard margins are 1 inch on all sides, but you can customize them as needed for your document. Remember to adjust the margins before you start typing to ensure your text is properly aligned.
Whether the border is positioned in relation to the page or text. The measurements for the margins for the border. Whether to surround the headers and footers.
Yes. When spreadsheets have to be printed, margins are important, in the same way as they are on word processing documents.
ALT key.
In Microsoft Word 2003, it is under File --> Page Setup, and on the Margins tab you can set the regular margins. On the Layout tab, you can set the header and footer margins. In Microsoft Word 2007, it is on the Page Layout tab. There is a Margins dropdown menu.
Go into the File menu and Page Setup. Margins and other things can be set there.
The first step in setting margins is to open the document in the word processing software you are using, such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs.
Hold the Alt key
Then your document ends up with whatever default margins the word processor uses. This is usually quite acceptable; personally, I rarely change those margins.
First click on the File tab,then click on Page Setup. Once you have that box open you can alter the margins to whatever you want them to be.