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Q: What are the main features of mechanical data processing?
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Main uses of the computer: -inputing data -processing data -output of data -and storage of data (mainly CDs and diskettes).

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It is the main chip on a computer that is doing all the data processing and run the programs.

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It is the CPU

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The main features of OOP are the same regardless of the language. They are: encapsulation; data hiding; inheritance; and polymorphism.

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One of the main importance of computer is data processing.

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Data movement, apparatus control, and data processing are the three main functional views of the computer. Also, mechanism data is another functional view of the computer.

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Input devices are used to capture data at the earliest possible point in the workflow, so that the data are accurate and readily available for processing.

The purpose of a CPU?

A Central Processing Unit is the main processor in a computer that processes all the logic statements put to it. It is responsible for all the processing of the computer unless there is another process that does the job like a Graphics Processing Unit or Physics Processing Unit.

Describe the main characteristics of the database approach and contrast it with the file-based approach?

The Database Approach has four common characteristics. These are: Self-describing nature, support multiple user view of data, share the data and multiple user transaction processing and insulation between data and data abstraction.

When talking about computers what does CPU stand for?

CPU stands for Central Processing Unit. It is the main data processing component of your computer system. It is the "brain" of the computer.