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Q: What are the least four tasks for which the operating system is responsible?
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In centralised tasks are done by one system and in distributed tasks are shared by the many computers

Software helps the computer to carry out its basic operating tasks?

operating system

What is an operating system and the tasks of an operating system?

An operating system is a main program that serve as an interface between the users and the application programs.

Software enables the computer to perform essential operating tasks.?

The operating system.

What type of operating system do devices that perform regimented tasks or record precise results require?

Devices that record precise results require a real-time operating system. This is the same kind of operating system needed for a device hat performs regimented tasks.

Critical software facilities?

The most critical software facilities is the system software particularly the operating system for this systems are the one responsible for the operations and the proper running of all the hardware and the correct execution of tasks given by a program.

What are the function of operating?

The functions of an operating system include booting the computer and performing basic tasks. The operating system manages the keyboard and mouse. It provides a graphical user interface.

What is the Software that helps a computer perform essential operating tasks and enables other software to run is?

The software that helps a computer perform essential operating tasks and enables other software to run is the operating system.

What are operating systems functions?

The functions of an operating system include booting the computer and performing basic tasks. The operating system manages the keyboard and mouse. It provides a graphical user interface.

What is an example of a multitasking operating system?

An example of a multitasking operating system is the system at a school. You use many programs and do many tasks at the same time, so you are multitasking on the computer

What two tasks do operating systems carry out on the computer?

Operating system is interface between computer user and computer hardware.

An operating system is a collection of programs which initialize the hardware of the computer and manage tasks?
