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The output of the computer can be seen in the monitor. Monitor is basically for viewing purposes.

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To display the output of a computer.

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Q: What are the functions of a Computer Screen?
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What are the basic functions of a computer mouse?

scrolling clicking moving your cursor across the screen

What is commander?

A command is when a person is told to do something. A computer functions by being given commands. When the mouse clicks the screen, it is giving a command.

What is the function of the touching screen?

A touch screen has two functions:-As a computer displayAs a means of interacting with the computer's applications.The surface of a normal commuter screen is covered in a mesh which senses the position and movement of one or more fingers allowing the user to control the applications with gestures. On a tablet computer or phone screen, the facility is useful. However on a desktop computer most users find using a mouse better.

What is the function a touch screen?

A touch screen has two functions:-As a computer displayAs a means of interacting with the computer's applications.The surface of a normal commuter screen is covered in a mesh which senses the position and movement of one or more fingers allowing the user to control the applications with gestures. On a tablet computer or phone screen, the facility is useful. However on a desktop computer most users find using a mouse better.

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Is your computer screen plugged in? Make sure your computer screen is properly connected to your computer.

How do you get on the computer?

OK so you see a screen and there is a keyboard in front of it that is a COMPUTER! You turn on the screen and you got on a computer!

What is computer parts and their functions?

a computer

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can you see your self on computer screen.

Which of the following are functions of the escape ESC key A shut down your computer B stop a computer virus from entering your computer C stop a function on a program or webpage?

if you go on utube full screen click esc and it will go off fullscreen