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The most commonly used software tool for data analysis is the electronic spreadsheet package.Data analysis packages are basically the software tools that are used to structure are rearrange data for their study and manipulation to achieve some desired results.

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12y ago
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12y ago

What Is an Electronic Spreadsheet?Accountants have used physical spreadsheets, which are large sheets of paper that organize data in rows and columns for analysis, for hundreds of years. Electronic spreadsheets, which emerged in the late 1970s, have advantages for both businesses and teachers.

  • Electronic spreadsheets organize information into software-defined rows and columns. The spreadsheet program then adds up the data, using a formula, to give a total or sum.

  • The rows and columns of a spreadsheet make up cells that form a grid. The user enters data in the cells and types in formulas (or uses pre-programmed formulas called "functions") to perform mathematical calculations on the data. If the user changes numerical data, the spreadsheet automatically recalculates.

Graphs and Charts
  • Users can illustrate points and trends by displaying the data as a graph or chart.

  • Spreadsheets enable both businesses and students to create "what if" scenarios by easily manipulating data. In addition, they save the time and labor of calculating by hand.

  • In teaching, electronic spreadsheets help students learn to identify relationships and patterns in numerical data. Business users can use them to base decisions on different possible scenarios.

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7y ago

The common software productivity suite of Microsoft Excel has two primary graphical interface components. The individuals spaces for data entry are known as cells, while groups of vertical cells are known as columns.

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Are Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice Calc are examples of spreadsheet software?

Yes, they are both electronic spreadsheet programs.Yes, they are both electronic spreadsheet programs.Yes, they are both electronic spreadsheet programs.Yes, they are both electronic spreadsheet programs.Yes, they are both electronic spreadsheet programs.Yes, they are both electronic spreadsheet programs.Yes, they are both electronic spreadsheet programs.Yes, they are both electronic spreadsheet programs.Yes, they are both electronic spreadsheet programs.Yes, they are both electronic spreadsheet programs.Yes, they are both electronic spreadsheet programs.

What are the component of electronic spreadsheet?

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What is the other name for MS Excel?

MS Excel has no other name. It is a spreadsheet application developed by Microsoft Corporation. It is part of a suite of products called Microsoft Office. MS stands for Micro Soft. Excel is a spreadsheet program which allows you to enter and calculate information for reports.

What is an electronic spreadsheet similar to?

An electronic spreadsheet similar are 1. excel 2. access

What type of software is Microsoft Office?

Microsoft Excel is an applications software mainly used for creating spreadsheets. It can also be used for creating charts and other diagrams and also databases.It is a spreadsheet program.

Excel is an electronic version of an?

It is an electronic spreadsheet.

How electronic spreadsheet work?

with study at string electronic.

Why electronic spreadsheet are much larger than manual spreadsheet?

beacause of the set out

Who is the father of the electronic spreadsheet?

Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston jointly invented the first spreadsheet program, which was Visicalc. Normally Dan Bricklin is the one of them that is considered to be the father of the electronic spreadsheet.

What is the difference between Excel and Spreadsheet?

A spreadsheet can be a paper-based document. Excel is an electronic spreadsheet. A spreadsheet can refer to any electronic spreadsheet program. Excel is just one of the electronic spreadsheet programs that are available and it is the most popular one.

Impact of electronic spreadsheet to accountants?

The impact of electronic spreadsheet to accountants is that it has simplified their work and guarantees accuracy. All an accountant has to do is come up with relevant formulas which will allow the spreadsheet to compute the data automatically.

Is Microsoft Excel known as spreadsheet application?

Yes. It can also be called an electronic spreadsheet.Yes. It can also be called an electronic spreadsheet.Yes. It can also be called an electronic spreadsheet.Yes. It can also be called an electronic spreadsheet.Yes. It can also be called an electronic spreadsheet.Yes. It can also be called an electronic spreadsheet.Yes. It can also be called an electronic spreadsheet.Yes. It can also be called an electronic spreadsheet.Yes. It can also be called an electronic spreadsheet.Yes. It can also be called an electronic spreadsheet.Yes. It can also be called an electronic spreadsheet.