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what are the effect of comunication of science and technology, or science and technology effect on communication.

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Q: What are the effect of communication on science and technology?
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Science and technology effect on communication?

On communication science and technology has made it that people do no longer speak in their mothers tongue just because of the fact that every one must speak English

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Is IT a social science?

No, IT is not a social science. IT is information technology and related to computer science.

What is the effect of science and technology to your lives?

To mine? I probably would not be alive with out the advances in medical science and technology.

What is the difference between Information Science and Communication Science?

Information Science focuses on the collection, organization, and retrieval of information, while Communication Science focuses on the study of human communication processes, including verbal and nonverbal communication. Information Science deals more with data management and technology, whereas Communication Science covers a broader range of topics related to communication theory and practice.

What is the effect of science and technology in science?

It makes a better future for humans.

What is the role of science and technology in communication and transportation?

Science and technology are absolutely vital to all of those fields.

What has the author Sharon Dunwoody written?

Sharon Dunwoody has written: 'Annotated bibliography of research on mass media science communication' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Communication in science, Communication of technical information, Science, Technology

What are negative effects of communication technology?

Negative effects of communication technology can include decreased face-to-face communication, lack of privacy and data security, increased isolation and dependence on technology, and the spread of misinformation or fake news.

What are the cause and effect of science and technology to your environment?

Illegal logging and effect is flood

What is the effect of science and technology on transportation?

it causes development! lol

Are Science generating technology or technology generating science?

Yes. Our science provides us with tools and theories that becomes our technology. Our technology allows us to measure the Universe we live in and create tools and even more technology. It's a spiral effect.