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Q: What are the disadvantages of olestra?
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Where was Olestra developed?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new fat substitute, Olestra in 1996

What was the chemical Olestra designed as a substitute for?

The chemical Olestra was designed as a substitute for fat. However, it has a side effect that makes the consumer of Olestra to have lots of diarrhea and other problems.

Do they still make tortilla chips with olestra?

Yes they do... Olestra has been know to cause anal leakage!

What is olestra?

Olestra is a synthetic sugar. It has a number of side effects. It is usually hidden in the nutritional lables.

Can you buy olestra?

no, I wish

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What are the risks associated with the consumption of Olestra?

The only real "risks" of consuming Olestra are some of the side effects like intestinal distress and fun stuff like "anal leakage" if too much is consumed. There is also some concern that Olestra can decrease the absorption of fat soluble vitamins in the intestines. Other than that there haven't been any other safety issues associated with consuming Olestra.

Why do eating chips cause diarrhea?

There are special chips in which a fat substitute called Olestra or Olean is used. Olestra is an artificially produced substance which works much like fat do but which the body can not break down and use, and thus it passes through the body unchanged. A problem is that vitamines are absorbed in it and thus brought out of the body too. A positive similar effect is that some poisons, like dioxine, is also absorbed and brought out. Another side effect that some people can experience from Olestra is abdominal cramps and diarreha. Chips which contain Olestra must be marked with information about this. If the chips you have eaten do not contain Olestra, another reason must be figured out, but I can confirm that you are not alone with this problem. I also get diarrhea from chips (without Olestra).