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BLOB is for large Binary based object

Clob is for large Character based object

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Q: What are the differences between blob clob and memo in Oracle?
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How are blob and clob data inserted or updated in an oracle table?

Hi madam

What are the Large object types supported by Oracle?

LONG, LONG RAW, BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB. Consult the attached link.

What is blob in oracle?

BLOB = (Binary Large OBject) An Oracle BLOB data type that contains binary data with a maximum size of 4 gigabytes. This maps to an Array of type Byte. See also: CLOB, NCLOB An Oracle CLOB data type that contains character data, based on the default character set on the server, with a maximum size of 4 gigabytes. This maps to String. An Oracle NCLOB data type that contains character data, based on the national character set on the server with a maximum size of 4 gigabytes. This maps to String.


BLOB is an acronym for binary large object, while CLOB stands for character large object. A BLOB is a collection of binary data that is stored as a single object like an image, executable code, or a piece of audio. CLOBs are large collections of character data with high size limits that can reach 2 GB or more.

How to view the oracle view's content?

create table user_views_clob (view_name VARCHAR2(32), clob_text CLOB) / insert into user_views_clob select view_name, to_lob(text) from user_views / and do the search like select * from user_views_clob where upper(clob_text) like upper('%hello_world%'); replace hello_world with your text.

Why is Clob a threat to Austria-Hungary's security?

The excess mold in her house produces a stench that renders anyone within an 100 mile radius unconsciouss and unable to produce normal bodily functions for a period of two weeks.

How do you have the bump hairstyle?

Take your fingers and separate a clob of your hair from the middle part. Then, lightly push forward to elevate the big strand. This style will only work on certain types of hair. Make sure your piece that you are working with is strait. Sometimes it is cute to have the rest of your hair curly or wavy!No, just get a Bumpit, which is totally useless. Reader's Digest rated it "Don't waste your money."

How do you make your voice pitch higher?

To make your voice pitch higher, try speaking from your head voice rather than your chest voice. You can also practice vocal exercises that strengthen your upper register. Finally, focus on breathing from your diaphragm to support your higher pitch.

Explain the various data types available in SQL?

You retrieve, store, and update SQL3 datatypes the same way you do other datatypes. You use either ResultSet. getXXX or CallableStatement. getXXX methods to retrieve them, PreparedStatement. setXXX methods to store them, and updateXXX to update them. Probably 90 percent of the operations performed on SQL3 types involve using the getXXX , setXXX , and updateXXX methods. The following table shows which methods to use: SQL3 type getXXX method setXXX method updateXXX methodBLOB getBlob setBlob updateBlobCLOB getClob setClob updateClobARRAY getArray setArray updateArrayStructured type getObject setObject updateObjectREF (structured type) getRef setRef updateRef For example, the following code fragment retrieves an SQL ARRAY value. For this example, the column SCORES in the table STUDENTS contains values of type ARRAY . The variable stmt is a Statement object. ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( "SELECT SCORES FROM STUDENTS WHERE ID = 2238");; Array scores = rs.getArray("SCORES"); The variable scores is a logical pointer to the SQL ARRAY object stored in the table STUDENTS in the row for student 2238. If you want to store a value in the database, you use the appropriate setXXX method. For example, the following code fragment, in which rs is a ResultSet object, stores a Clob object: Clob notes = rs.getClob("NOTES"); PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement( "UPDATE MARKETS SET COMMENTS = ? WHERE SALES < 1000000", ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE); pstmt.setClob(1, notes); This code sets notes as the first parameter in the update statement being sent to the database. The CLOB value designated by notes will be stored in the table MARKETS in column COMMENTS in every row where the value in the column SALES is less than one million

Difference between procedure and stored procedures?

STORED PROCEDURE : A stored procedure can be created with no parameters, IN parameters, OUT parameters, or IN/OUT parameters.There can be many parameters per stored procedure. It is also called as a FUNCTION. EXAMPLE: 1. -- Hello World in Oracle PL/SQL (stored procedure) SET SERVEROUTPUT ON BEGIN dbms_output.enable(10000); dbms_output.put_line('Hello World'); END;/ OUTPUT : Hello World 2. SET SERVEROUTPUT ON BEGINDBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE;DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Hello World');END;/ SET SERVEROUTPUT OFF 3. DECLARE annapurna VARCHAR2(20) := &'annapurna'; -- variable with a value assignment HOURLY_WAGE NUMBER := 5.15; -- until congress changes it HOURLY_WAGE NUMBER DEFAULT 5.15; --using defaultHOURLY_WAGE NUMBER NOT NULL := 5.15; --using not null -- default n not null both r having same functionality -- but, not null requires a valueBEGINDBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Hello ' annapurna '!!!');END;/ 4.SET SERVER OUTPUT ON BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('hello miSS'); END;/ 5. -- calling of a PL/SQL function SET SERVEROUTPUT ON SIZE 1000000 DECLARE msg VARCHAR2(30);BEGIN msg := message_for_the_world; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(msg);END;/ 6. -- a simple PL/SQL function to return a string CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION message_for_the_worldRETURN VARCHAR2ASBEGIN RETURN 'hello, world';END;/ SHOW ERRORS TRIGGER : Ii is a fragment of code that tells Oracle to fire or run BEFORE or AFTER a table is modified. ADVANTAGE : It has the power to make sure that a column is filled in with default information make sure that an audit row is inserted into another table after finding that the new information is inconsistent with other stuff in the database. Example : 1. create table my_trigger ( comment_id integer primary key, on_what_id integer not null, on_which_table varchar(50), user_id not null references users, comment_date date not null, ip_address varchar(50) not null, modified_date date not null, content clob, html_p char(1) default 'f' check(html_p in ('t','f')), approved_p char(1) default 't' check(approved_p in ('t','f')));/ SHOW ERRORS 2. Banks Transactions , updations and ONLINE SHOPPING MALLS BUSINESS transactions are the best Examples for TRIGGERS. One more thing according to my knowledge we write the TRIGGERS in STORED PROCEDURES. Annapurna.

What is check point in DBMS?

fuzzy checkpointIn a fuzzy checkpoint, the database server does not flush the modified pages in the shared-memory buffer pool to disk for certain types of operations, called fuzzy operations. When a fuzzy checkpoint completes, the pages might not be consistent with each other, because the database server does not flush all data pages to disk. A fuzzy checkpoint completes much more quickly than a full checkpoint and reduces the amount of physical logging during heavy update activity. When necessary, the database server performs a full checkpoint to ensure the physical consistency of all data on disk. Fuzzy OperationsThe following commonly used operations are fuzzy for built-in data types:InsertsUpdatesDeletesThe following operations are nonfuzzy:Inserts, updates, and deletes for rows that contain user-defined data types, smart large objects (CLOB and BLOB data types), or simple large objects (TEXT and Byte data types)Table alters and loadsOperations that create or modify indexes (B-tree, R-tree, or user-defined indexes)The database server flushes all the modified data pages for nonfuzzy operations to disk during a fuzzy checkpoint in the same way as for a full checkpoint.Important:Fuzzy checkpoints are disabled for the primary and secondary servers in a High-Availability Data Replication pair.Write-Ahead Logging and Fast RecoveryFuzzy checkpoint uses write-ahead logging for fast recovery. Write-ahead logging means that the logical-log records representing changes to fuzzy data must be on disk before the changed data replaces the previous version of the data on disk. Fast recovery begins with the oldest update not yet flushed to disk rather than with the previous checkpoint.Fuzzy checkpoints result in slightly longer roll-forward fast-recovery times. The database server occasionally performs a full checkpoint to prevent loss of old logical-log records.Fuzzy Checkpoints Improve PerformanceFuzzy checkpoints are much faster than full checkpoints and improve transaction throughput. Because the database server does not log fuzzy operations in the physical log, the physical log does not fill as quickly, and checkpoints occur less often. For example, if you are inserting and updating a lot of data, checkpoints occur less frequently and are shorter.The database server skips a full checkpoint if all data is physically consistent when the checkpoint interval expires. It skips a fuzzy checkpoint only if no pages have been dirtied since the last checkpoint.To improve transaction throughput, use the BUFFERPOOL configuration parameter to increase thelru_max_dirty and lru_max_dirty values. However, do not change the gap between the lru_max_dirty andlru_max_dirty values.