

What are the core muscles?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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9y ago

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Core muscles include those of the pelvic floor, internal and external oblique's, rectus abdominus, sacrospinalis, and the longissimus thoraces. Minor core muscles include the latissimus dorsi and the trapezius.

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9y ago
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Core exercise is important, because it help strengths the core muscles. Core muscle training will also strengthen other muscles during the training.

What is a core muscel?

The abdominal muscles are considered your core muscles. The rectus abdominus, transverse abdominus, and your obliques all make up your core mucles.

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the answer is core muscles.

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your core

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Never, you always have working muscles. Eg: your core muscles work to keep you standing/upright.

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basically all of your muscles are involved.

Does swimming increase muscle mass?

Yep it does! It helps build arm muscles! and core muscles

What is the core what?

The core is the innermost layer of the Earth. Now this is if we are talking about the earth. Another word for the core is its one of the muscles in ur stomach.

Which are the following 'core' muscles?

the iner c:

What muscles are you working when you play softball?

You're using majority the muscles of the legs in most of the softball skills from running to fielding and even when you bat and throw. Core muscles are used in most of the softball skills as well. When throwing you use your back and triceps for batting you're using your forearms as well. For pitching your shoulders, legs, core and back are working