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The ideal BMI (body mass index=weight/height^2, note: weight as kilogramme, height as meter) is between 21 and 25, you need to make sure if you are overweight or not, then you need to lose your weight if your BMI>25. Overweight or obesity is not only to affect your appearance but also definitely a serious problem that may lead to Heart diseases, Diabetes, cardiovascular disease and more, so you should not overlook your weight. Losing or maintaining an ideal weight is not a difficult task if you follow a healthy lifestyle including low GI eating, regular aerobic exercise and suitable supplements.

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Q: What are the causes of getting fat to women?
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Work, Women, sub-cutenaceous fat and balding.

What are the causes and remedies of belly fat in women?

Hormones is the number one reason that women gain belly fat. Eating right and exercising are the best and most common ways to rid yourself of belly fat. Trying to rid yourself of stress may also contribute to the loss of belly fat.

Do women carry more body fat than men for reproductive purposes?

yes because women must carry around a baby for nine moths which causes body fat for the growth and food the baby leaves behind

Do some women want to get fat?

Some underweight women may wish to gain weight, however few women in the west wish to "get fat". There are, however, some societies that regard obesity as a sign of beauty and women actively gain weight in order to become fat. One notable one is Mauritania, an African country. There are also men and women who derive sexual pleasure from getting fat. They're known as "gainers" or "feedees". The former simply likes overeating and getting fat. The latter wants a significant other to fatten him/her up until very fat.

Why do women get fat after getting married?

They don't all get fat, but for the ones who do: 1) They change life styles 2.)They get pregnant, and it's hard to get the fat off 3.)They don't have to impress the man anymore 4.)They cook more, so they both get fat 5.) They cook less, but eat out more 6.) It's hard to stay in shape when you get olderAnswer: After being married, women enter a calm and secure homeostasis. The brain then tells the body to get fat, have babies, and start breast feeding. It's perfectly normal for women to get fat after getting married.

Why would the mesentery be used for primary fat storage in men but not women?

Estrogen causes fat storage to be primarily in the hips and buttocks. Men, who lack estrogen, primarily story mesenteric(lower abdominal) fat.

Why women with tubal surgery have belly fat?

Because they're not getting enough exercise for the amount of food that they eat.

Does Aaron Amilian like fat women?

Yes he likes fat women

Who likes fat men?

fat women..!!

Who killed fat women and used them as a coat?

who killed fat women and used them as a coat

Who is getting fat in the Christmas song?

Christmas is comingThe Goose is getting Fat!

Dose Brad Pitt like fat women?

He prefers average women like 120-150, so not really fat women.