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Q: What are the applications of multisim software?
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Can you run embedded system project on multisim software?

Depends on what you are willing to design.

What is the usage of multisim software?

Multisim software is an electronic workbench tool, where one can fabricate any electronic circuit(s) virtually in computer to know its performance indicators like voltage, current flow(in amperes), resistance etc, when it is physically connected.

what is electronic workbench?

If you're talking software.... "Electronics Workbench" is the previous name of the "Multisim" software suite, an electrical schematic capture and circuit simulation package. It's also the name of the company that previously developed the software. The "Electronics Workbench" group at National Instruments (NI) now develops the software, since NI bought it in 2005. check out Wikipedia for more details.

Where are some websites where one can download NI Multisim?

You can download NI Multisim at the National Instruments website. You can also find links for a download on some University websites. Sites containing educational software may also be a place to look for a download.

What is a Multisim CD-ROM?

NI MultiSIM (formerly MultiSIM) is a CAD-type program used to design, simulate, and test electrical circuits. It is a virtual electronics workbench which allows electrical engineers to test circuit designs without having to actually build the circuit. Presumably, a MultiSIM CDROM would be an installation CD for the MultiSIM program.

Is there a multisim reader that will allow for viewing on a computer without multisim installed?

In short, no. However, Multisim is working on creating a cheap viewer for tablet computers, iPhones, and all other forms of screen-type media players which allows others to view Multisim documents without all of the memory required to change it.

What are Microsoft Word and Writer are examples of?

They are examples of word processing applications.

What are the 2 types of software are and what they do?

Applications software and systems software. Applications software regulates the operational softwares of the computer system. Systems software regulates the functions general software of the computer system

What software applications can assist with budgetary planning?

There are some software applications you can find that will assist you in budgetary planning. Some of the applications are adaptiveplanning, youneedabudget, or Budget Planning Software to name a few.

What are the different categories of different software?

Systems software and applications software.

Is simulation a type of application?

Simulation software is applications software.

Is Microsoft Excel system software?

No. It would be applications software.