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Q: What are the advantages of using variable costing for internal reporting purposes?
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DO Many companies use variable costing for internal reporting to reduce the undesirable incentive to build up inventories?


Why is Variable costing is a good method for internal reporting especially?

It informs the management that how much any unit of product is helping towards recovering the fixed cost.

Is there an internal variable for an object's speed in Game Maker?

Yes, the internal variable for an object's speed in Game Maker is <Object_Name>.speed.

What are the advantages of case sensitive languages?

A case sensitive language gives you more flexibility in naming variables. It also lets you use the same variable name more than once for different purposes by changing different letters to upper or lower case, each version being treated as a separate variable. In practice, this is not recommended as it can cause confusion in reading programs and keeping track of which variable has what purpose.

What is an intervening variable?

An intervening variable is an internal state that is hypothetical in empirical research. It explains the relationships between variables being observed.

What is an interdependent variable?

An intervening variable is an internal state that is hypothetical in empirical research. It explains the relationships between variables being observed.

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What is the name of the variable that remains the same throughout the experiment?

The variable that remains the same throughout the experiment is called the "constant" or "control variable." It is used for comparison purposes to isolate the effects of the other variables being tested.

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There is a few great things about variable length subnet masking VLSM. The main great thing about it is that you can get a membership.

What are the advantages of using a variable length instruction format?

One of its advantage is to save storage space.

What is the intervening variable between internal audit resources and profitability?

Quality of audit reports quality of emloyees