Microcomputers are small computers having microprocessors as their central processor. Some of its advantages are portability, less costly, user-friendliness, thus making them ideal as home computers.
Microcomputers are small computers having microprocessors as their central processor. Some of its advantages are portability, less costly, user-friendliness, thus making them ideal as home computers.
You can. There are thousands of microprocessors.
CPU are microprocessors.
Just-in-time-delivery is made possible by microprocessors.
The advantages of the micro processor is that it small cheap to produce and is able to take over a lot of tasks that were time consuming to people. advantages of micro processor is that these are general devices which can be programmes to execute a number of tasks. The disadvantages are that this tends to make some. the disadvantages are that the can crash and you can lose all your work. by deva
the architeecture of dsp processors supports fast processing arrays and it allows parallel execution. it has separate program and data memories.
my gaff :)
The program used inside microprocessors is microcode,the program what microprocessors execute is machine code.
Microprocessors are in almost every modern electronic device - from the smallest wrist-watch to the largest ships !
Ten microprocessors are the 4004, 4040, 8008, 8080, 8085, 8086, 8088, 80286, 80386, and 80486.There are many more, and this list only included some of the Intel microprocessors, in mostly historical order.