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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of using role culture?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of role play?

Role play is an exercise where people take on assumed roles to understand other views. Advantages of the practice include it is fun, time efficient, and lets everyone participate and contribute. Disadvantages include participants being too shy to participate and can be threatening to some people.

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The market economy has many advantages, but it also has its share of disadvantages. Two of the main disadvantages are that this type of economy can be very unstable and it tends to cause a large gap in the distribution of income.

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Some advantages of the role play method of teaching include:Good means of communicatingWay of practicing vocabulary skillsHelps to build confidenceCan encourage teamwork and group interactionSupportive environmentSome disadvantages of the role play method of teaching include:EmbarrassmentShynessDiscomfortDoesn't suit all individualsCan damage confidence

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